Expert server is crashed

All aircrafts in expert server is showing as general aviation aircrafts and also unable to communicate with ATC can anyone help me.

I have the exact same problem. Hopefully they fix it.

Do use a VPN or any IP altering app?

No, I’m not using VPN

My problem is that the flight isn’t continuing, it’s not connecting

Have you updated the latest hotfix? (24.4.2)

Yes, I think this server crash also affected training

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What server crash is everyone talking about?

There are no indications of any issues server side for the past 24hrs. And we haven’t received any alarms.


Everything is fine for me server and connection wise too so I’m a bit confused seeing all these posts regarding a server crash

U won’t believe but this issue is still there I faced this yesterday . I think this only happens when someone try to background the app while flying without saving the game and then trying to open the game

Solution - since always try to save flight before existing the app or else u can face this issue.

I always get disconnected from expert server, altough everything with my network is working well.:

Try restarting your WiFi.

If that doesn’t work - see if Flight Resume is on. And if it is simply restart the app.

Where can i see flight resume?

I’ve been having the same issues trying to spawn into LEBL, any fixes?