After landing your aircraft, you most times get the instruction to ‘exit runway/left/right and contact Ground’.
And most pilots know what to do:
- you stay on Tower frequency
- you exit the runway, fully
- you switch to Ground frequency and request to taxi to parking.
BUT… on situations where you have landed on a parallel runway, your Tower ATC may give you a different instruction. And there you need to listen to the instruction carefully and follow it, as it is mentioned.
Two possibilities - see pictures below. In both cases you do NOT contact Ground after exiting your runway.
1. Exit runway, hold short runway 09R
What is different here, is that you Hold Short for the runway you need to cross, but you stay on Tower frequency. You wait until Tower give you the Cross Runway instruction (you cannot request it while on Tower frequency).
2. Exit runway, cross runway 09R
When Tower has given you this instruction, he/she has made sure that runway 09R is clear to cross. You do not have to request it again; just go ahead and cross. Only after crossing, you contact Ground frequency, and request to taxi to parking.
As ATC, I see that many Pilots do not get this yet, and I hope this provides some good info.