Event question

Hey! I wanted to ask how i could get more people to join my events? There haven’t been many people joining my recent events and i want to have more people to fly with


every once in while like in 3 days with no replies you bump it or smth
i haven’t ever hosted an event so I’m not very experienced


Ok. I’ll try that

I think on of the most important things is timing. If you want maximum attendance, I’d suggest having your event around mid morning in the United States. This allows for North Americans, Africans, and Europeans to join. This obviously excludes some people (Oceania and Asia, namely), but does capture the biggest pool of people.


sadly this excludes me (chinese) but it would make sense to have the event at that time yes

  • Make banners.
  • Post events far in advance.
  • Use a huge airport that is popular.
  • Have professional gate assignments.

I would argue that presentation is most important along with what @Mort said.


Huge/popular airports isn’t always the answer to high attendance.

There have been many cases of events that were at a huge airport with a low attendance or a small and unpopular airport with a high attendance.

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Yea. Like this one that happened a week ago

Tbh we need to make events that work for other regions not just the Us. Main reason i dont join flyouts and other events because there all at 3 or 4 am. It does get a bit annoying.

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I will always try to include as many people as i can with my events. I just want to know how to get more people to join them.

Yeah - like I said, it’s by no means a perfect system.

I have a qurstion,
How can I bump my event

Just reply on your event.

I think @MAviationYT works hard on his events, but makes too much and doesn’t put professional gate assignments or banners.

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Yea. I don’t really understand gate assignments a lot

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Does anyone have any idea on how to add gate assignments and corresponding flights for a fly-in / fly out event?


but the IFC itself did not say that for the event to become an official community event it must not have gate assignment

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Maybe get sponsored by a VA?

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