Event Planing: Saving fuel competition

Hey IFC!

I’m thinking of an event. The goal: save as many fuel as possible.

Yes, saving fuel in a sim! Why? Well, why not!

How should this event look?

I’m thinking of a simple short haul route for the first run. Like EDDB to EGPH.

Let’s do it as a research flight for Boeing.

Everyone takes the same plane: 737-Max with Boeing livery. For maximum efficiency it needs two IFATC to let these planes start and land with priority, the best would be all from the same runway. Every other plane should be starting from the other runway, so participants have an own dedicated runway. OR if possible the airports are at this time only open for participants. Don’t know if this is possible. Other planes or liveries are not accepted at EDDB and other planes like the participants at EGPH must divert to another airport.

Everyone starts with the same amount of fuel (e.g. 100%) , no pax, no freight.

Important thing: due to taxi differences, every participant needs to hold short at the runway, ask for clearance and in the moment the clearance is given set the parking break and again set fuel to 100%.

That’s the point the contest begins. How you take off, what fpm you climb, what FL and speed you choose, how you descend and land is all up to you! But all have to follow the same waypoints of the flight plan. The contest ends with the moment you cross the hold short line when exiting the runway. Write down your fuel that’s left at this point AND your flight time for the PIREPs. To make it somehow possible to filter for ATC, everyone should get a unique Callsign, that should be written down in the comments section of your PIREP.

What about the weather?

That’s the only thing we can’t affect. But we cannot change this. Because the event needs to happen on expert server. Why? Because my goal is, that some VAs may take part of this event! Every participant should earn a special multiplier for flight hours. And the winner should get a very special multiplier e.g. 20x and a special badge in the official IF-Discord-channel, like a green IF Logo until the next event takes place like every three months or so.

Therefore participants talk to their VA and announce their special Callsign for this event, so they can count the flight hours, even if it’s not the regular VA callsign.

And it must be expert server so participants really can show off there best skills for taking off, climb, cruise, descent and land.

The event should run for 24 hours.

At first place, I wanna know, how do you think about such an event. Is it cool? Is it nonsense? Is it even impossible due to anything I’m not thinking of? I especially wanna read some statements from official IF Staff. 😊

Tell me your opinions.

Greetings from Germany ✌️

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While this is a decent idea in concept, I can see a few things that wouldn’t work so well in practice:

This probably wouldn’t be possible. Not only would it be a bit unfair on those who say weren’t aware of the event and were just doing a “regular flight”, only to be told they need to divert, I don’t see how the app could limit spawn-ins at that airport to only participants (what if people want to spectate?).

There would need to be a way to enforce this besides telling people “you’re in the wrong plane” - and again I don’t really see a feasible way the app could limit this.

This would basically need to require a change to the entire callsign system - and it would be a bit of a hassle to have it only “on” for when these events are happening.

However this could be a useful general change to the system, kinda like how VATSIM works where you can’t have the exact same callsign as anyone else. It could make things easier for ATC - I can tell you from experience that having two aircraft with the exact same callsign can get confusing.

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Had two planes with same call sign in a ATC practice 😅 Was a bit tricky to handle.

Thanks for your responses!

To to the livery, it might be irrelevant for the event, if it’s at least a 737-max. So maybe participants can fly in the livery of their VA and maybe even with their assigned call sign. I thought it would be nice to simulate a “research flight” for Boeing and participants get a simple call sign like “Boeing 1” up to “Boeing 2000” or how much are participating in the end. You get the point.

For the airports: for the event we could also be using airports that are basically never used. EDDB and EGPH just was a first guess due to personal preferences and it’s a beautiful route I think.

I even forgot some parameters that needs to be followed!

The participants must of course reach a flight level of at least 20000ft and must of course fly on an odd Flightlevel of the event leads to east or even if it leads to west.

The MAX can get 1 kg/hour. I’d pick a different plane.

How would you get 1kg/h if you have to follow a route? 😅 Don’t forget a minimum required flight level of 20000ft.

FL500 flaps 40, it’s a bug

Ok. But you have to follow expert rules. That includes not exceeding the max FL of the airplane specs, which means FL430 for the 737-MAX

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challenge accepted 😂

If they have ATC, they will get a fair amount of traffic. Particularly if that region is “featured” for the day.

Of course within realistic limits… 🙄 Who flies at FL500 with Flaps 40?! Come on. It’s on expert server. That includes this rules. Otherwise I would have chosen casual 🤪

In a challenge with prizes? Me

Well, in this case you might get disqualified 😜 Expert means realism, even in challenges. 😉

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