Error code 8 and now no multiplayer servers


I got a random “error code 8” pop up on my screen while flying, now I’m unable to connect to multiplayer servers.

Help please.


Try the „clear cache“ in general settings and restart the app.

Please report if it worked.

Same for me but the clear cache and restart app fix did not work
My WiFi is working fine also

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I’m getting the same error.

Tried clearing cache and restarting app and it reoccurs.

Also tried reinstalling the app, same issue.

Happens on both WiFi and 4G.

Only way to solve it is to disconnect and reconnect to the network

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No, I disconnected and reconnected several times.
I couldn’t connect to the server anymore.
My WiFi works fine, it’s the game.
I then canceled the flight.🤷🏽‍♂️


Has anyone tried the new update to fix this issue?
It worked for me but then I tried to play online again today and it doesn’t work again.

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I never got those before the 24.4 update. It already happened 4 or 5 times at random moments of the flight. It litterally toasts your flight:

Once pressing OK and checking the status of the server, the Multiplayer indicator 🔴 is generally red, and you lose all ability to use the radio or see other aircraft around.

Flight resume does not always function after this issue because the connection might not have been restored even minutes after the error occurs.

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