Engine wobble

Hello community! I have a proposal. I know in real life engines sort of shake or wobble in turbulence or when the plane shakes. I think this should be implemented into the sim. I know it’s not a crazy thing that HAS to be added but i think this could be a cool addition.

Engine wobble example

Interesting request, but something tells me this won’t be added for a really long time


I could see it sooner than that if the developers have enough interest in doing it. It should be similar to wing flex, except the only time the engine would flex on the pylon is in turbulence


Like i said. It’s not something i think Has to be added but it’d be cool

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Hello! I’ve flown on the Boeing 777 family a lot and I would like to say, this would be quite a nice future to have. I personally think pylon flex (engine wobble) would be an awesome future. You have my vote! I would also like to say, the engine pylon flex happens more often during takeoff and landing, where the aircraft is constantly shaking from pilot correction.


Ok. Thanks for the info. Glad to have your vote!

This will add realistically🔥🤑


PMDG is the best for this kind of animation and it could work on the ground too when taxiing in high speed for example, great request


Lil topic bump

They have to add it

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Fr. It’s a small but pretty nice detail

Fun fact, the A380 in game (sort of) has an engine wobble. The outer engines are animated to move with the wings.

I think it’s definitely possible but it’s unsure how animated/moving parts would work under a not stationary object.

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I’ll have to see if the a380 does have it.

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You can clearly see one wing that is modelled in the wingflex, it wobbles with the wing but it’s not much more. You can see it when there is turbulence, the outer wing will wobble relative to the inner stationary engine.

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Bump for this

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The A380 has engine wobble too I looked at some Trip reports of the A380 they have the same thing

A380,777,350,340,747,767 (PW engines) and the 787 all have engine wobble during turbulence and some during landing with max reverse.

Just imagine, IMAGINE, when you throttle up, and you see your engine raises a bit from the sheer power of the thrust, or when you land, the engine wobbles from the G-force