I rarely comment, but regarding on engine sounds IF really still has quite a big gap on improvement, no matter interior or exterior. Don’t get me wrong they still have very good base sounds regarding on environments and ambience, but after all it runs on mobile hardware. I might be a minority here, but imho I’m still not a big fan of the updated 777 and 757 sounds, except for the startups. The idle sounds like it is on half throttle and takeoffs sounds like the 3 types of the engine manufactures mashed up together on the 777 (including the 330 & 380 as it uses the same sounds as the 777), and 2 for the 757. If they could somehow work out how to input the correct sounds for each manufacture and aircraft that would definitely improve a lot. In all fairness it is still a great stepping stone for IF updating the engine sounds but it still a long way from satisfaction for the flying experiences.
Yo, that’s a actually a great idea having a third party app for engine sounds… gonna be pretty hard to implement though, but hoping a third party app dev sees this and takes notes 🤞🗒️
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