Before the 24.4 update, I was able to enable the engine auto start off function, but now that I came back downloading the app in the 24.4 version I cannot see this function on the settings.
Are you spawning in Solo on a runway?
In training server, just selected a gate at OTHH, and when all apeared, the engines where on. On the settings, I cannot see the engine auto start off function
Which gate? Trying to reproduce it but can’t.
The function setting have been removed.
But the logic is;
The engines should always start “OFF” unless you spawn on a runway.
I had the same problem when I deleted the app and re-downloaded it, then I was at a gate on the Expert Server in EDDF and they were turned on.
So you don’t have it anymore or what’s the status for you now?
Hi again, It´s weird beacause now at WADD, gate A19, as you said, now the engines are off while loading.
The issue is being investigated.
Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
I had the same issue, but I closed the app out completely and spawned in the same plane at the same spot and it was fixed
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