Emirites B777-200lr from KTM to DXB - senic pictures with no filters

Today , we fly an 777-200lr on a 4 hour flight which is usually done by a 737 (by flydubai) done on the expert server.

We are here at Kathmndus small airport , with 296 passengers onboard today with 5673 kg of cargo

After pushing back we start the massive GE-90 engines , then we start our taxi to our runway.

Lining up , then stepping on the brakes and spooling up those engines up to max thurst for a powerful takeoff with flaps 15

Then rotating smoothly and climbing very fast to avoid the mountains of nepal

Then ve make a 120 degree turn to avoid the mountains

As we cross 10000 ft the lovely emirites cabin crew service the passengers some tratitional nepali food , and the passengers eat the tasty food while seeing the breathtaking views .

Then after some time of cruise we start our desent into DXB for an ontime arrival.

I hope you liked the post and give it a like , thanks!!!


Hey Abdullah, wow I like these. Maybe if you want I can make a nice edit for you with these pictures.

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Thanks for the reply!

Beautiful senery aye

Really beautifull