EGLL Tower

Was just controlling egll tower for 30mins on training server and when i first started there were so many maniacs and i had like 13 people in the channel all asking to land and takeoff at once. had 3 f22s do 50 ft flybys. 737max line up without perms. and a 747 takeoff w/out perms. im so done these people omg. i just logged off when i got 10 mins of normal traffic and eventually had no traffic.
this is a joke/happy shoutout comment. no hate.

this is when i had normal traffic

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what did u expect thats training server bro


they need to make training server stricter

expert server needs that


found one🥹

that too lol

Honestly, training server is just another casual server. They need to make it stricter. Expert server could be better too


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Have you seen my topic The Expert Server is lacking expertise - let’s fix that? I’m not trying to advertise it all over the community (even though it seems like it 😅), but on it, I linked a bunch of feature requests for people to vote for that will hopefully inspire some change (in addition to myself, there are several replies regarding the idea of a stricter training server - I’d recommend skimming through those too)


not is in IFC especially the ones which flying A380 emirates from LHR to LGW

i js controlled ground for 55 mins, now im on london center cause egll tower is too stressful