That’s rather impressive! I bet it didn’t feel like 6 hours, though. Doesn’t the time fly when you’re controlling? I, without realising I was there for so long, spent 6 hours and 21 minutes controlling Hong Kong International (VHHH) on the Expert Server a few days ago and it felt like so much less time.
It’s great you’re looking to join IFATC. You should try and break the Expert Server record of over 26 hours!
Boring but true stuff starts below…
With regards to IFATC Training, you are truly not being prepared for joining IFATC (or even joining the recruitment process) by controlling at Heathrow Airport (EGLL) on the Training Server. It is about as far from accurate to the work as an Expert Server one could get. During your recruitment to IFATC, you will never be trained/tested with such high aircraft density. Further, as enjoyable as a 6-hour session may be, you should spend less time controlling and using that time to review your mistakes. A 30-minute session is just as valuable as a 6-hour session, in that, if one does not realise they’re making mistakes in the first 30 minutes (and continues to make the mistakes), the remainder of the session is useless. You should not merely be presiding over an airport. You should be learning!
Suggested Airports
Instead of controlling at EGLL, I suggest you head to the following airports (among others):
- Manchester (EGCC);
- Shaw Airforce Base (KSSC); and,
- Guam International Airport (PGUM).
To learn more from your sessions on your way to joining IFATC, create an ATC tracking thread. A mix of experienced IFATC controllers, like-minded IFATC applicants, and other helpful people will attend your session and give constructive feedback. It simply isn’t possible to, without watching the session (and who wants to watch a 6-hour session?!) to understand what you did wrong and what you did well at your EGLL Tower marathon. The tracking thread will remedy this, allowing you to open for as long as you wish, with a more realistic stream of traffic for IFATC training/testing.
How do I make an ATC tracking thread?
You may also wish to undergo formal training. I strongly suggest that, when you are able to, you enrol.
ATC Training