East midlands (EGNX) Wip and Tracking thread!

Excellent news!! As one of the busiest cargo airports ill be using EGNX even more when its 3D. Great work πŸ™Œ

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Work has started on the Royal Mail Cargo Facilitys once gets to a suitable condition expect a WIP image of this section :)


Awesome, can’t wait to see it!

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That’s great to hear, I’m looking forward to seeing the end result keep up the good work 😁


Keep an eye out some development WIPs coming soon πŸ‘€


Can’t wait to see a new WIP, and to fly out of EGNX πŸ‘€


Expect a WIP tomorrow development has been slower than expected today :/

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Terminal Progress WIP

(The terminal is nearly complete! Just a little more layering and some fixes and it should be done then I can work on some bigger tasks like the DHL building!)

This airport is still in development expect changes to be made!


Hello @CPT.Europe i have a friend that works in headquarters for DHL, Its possible i could ask her to grab a load of photos of the buildings and i can get you some from outside the perimeter for you? I do have some which i can send you in the evening if that would help also?

Many thanks 😊

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Yes absolutely any photos are greatly appreciated and a lot of help.

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Leave it with me and ill get them ASAP to you matey

This will be perfect for when I start work on the DHL building if you could get some of the front of the building that would help a lot as we have limited imagery there thanks a lot I really appreciate it!

Not a problem mate, I’ll get plenty of the DHL, FED EX and UPS and some on the main terminals. Have a big lens so i can get up close for you. Give me a week or so to get something together for you 😊. Id love to help you as its my local πŸ‘Œ

Thanks 😊

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