DXB ATC doing wrong!

I want to firstly express my greatest respect for the IFATC people managing the air/ground traffic at airports around the world.

But in my opinion this is just unnecessary for the ATC and the pilots. Using rwy for arrival and one for departure is just not working especially when we are in IF where real world procedures are not followed. Both rwys should be open for takeoff and landing so it gets a even split between them.
This also happend yesterday, which further explains why this is unnecessary!

This is the picture on the ground as of now


Hello, @Neman_Rahmani !

You can provide feedback to Tyler Shelton or you can simply discuss the matter with the controller through DM. ☺️

I was gonna fly into dubai but never mind 😂

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The problem is not a fly-in rayher a fly-iut. People may need to wait 45 min or 1 hr to depart!

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Wow, I arrived from jfk 1 hour ago and the line to TO had only 5 planes

I think it is easier to manage the airport like that, it’s more organized for the controller to manage one runway for departures and one for arrivals, and the workload is lighter.

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As Takahiro kindly shared above, always DM the controller or an IFATC Supervisor for clarification and/or feedback.

Do not bring this to the IFC forum, so as to avoid public speculation on the situation, which is never helpful.

Take a look: Procedures for Appealing Violations and Providing ATC Feedback


That’s exactly what should be done. However I want to add that this topic could in my opinion be a good way for us controllers to familiarize the pilots with DXB operations. OP has asked more of a general question, not a callout towards a specific controller(s). But this is just my opinion.



Hi Neman!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on ATC, we appreciate it my friend.
Based on my experience, with current traffic level in DXB, using both runways for departure and Arrivals would work only if we had enough resources to split north/south airspace or tower. Otherwise It could led to a chaos in IF! While with a single runway dedicated to each operation, Aircraft can T/O every 20 seconds or land with 3 nm spacing. So theoreticaly it is more efficient this way.


This is definitely the best way to do it, it’s just really busy. For traffic like this it needs to be easy for tower to get in a “cleared to land” and “line up and wait, cleared for takeoff” flow without having to worry about sequencing departing traffic between arriving. It’s a long line, but by far the most organized way to go about it.


It was just my two cents put out for a clarification. And thank you very much for the answer, but still I think it would have been better with utilizing both runways. Still impressive work, you guys deserve a pat on the shoulder!

(Can be closed)

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Additional point: if both runways are used, 30L exits will most likely get blocked.


Hey! As you are in expert server…you are utilising real life procedures…so always take this in account that real world procedures apply. It is also more organised to manage the airport as more atc’s do when there is heavy traffic at the airport.


It would be the same if 30R was being used for both - with departure aircraft using both sides of 30R (mostly the southern side), it leaves landing aircraft with very little space to go exiting the runway.

This is just IRL procedure. And it’s my first time seeing IRL Dubai ops in the simulator. When I fly into DXB in the simulator both runways are being used for T/O and landing which doesn’t (or rarely) happens in real life. Just take this as an authentic experience :)

Here are my thoughts from the whole ordeal.

I mean if you use both runways for takeoff and landing, you’ll have half as long of a line, but the lines will move half as quickly because departing aircraft now have to wait for arrivals to clear the runway, in addition to waiting for the previous departure to takeoff. The one runway procedure is used at several airports IRL, including Heathrow.