Duplicate Fixes After New Navigation Update

Hey everyone. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. But after the recent Nav update, I have noticed some problems.

I am currently controlling at EGLL as approach and am looking at inbound aircraft routes and I have noticed that a lot of the aircraft seem to be going down to a fix (RW27L) near an airport somewhere in Africa, SBGR. I know this is a mistake as the aircraft’s intended route is to fly to EGLL as it is in it’s path. Could someone please let one of the Nav developers know if possible.



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Hey alpha
i would say this goes in #support or possibly #atc . I havent seen this issue but later ill do approach at EGLL and see. Give me a second and too get a staff to see this


@alphabravo6 thanks for the information, I did a quick check, but unfortunately this is something that the expert aviator has to deal with.
There are numerous duplicate Fix names around the world in real life, and as closer we go to complete database the more often you will notice this issue. It is up to every pilot to check the FP he entered for consistency and to fix it manually if needed.
It is up to IF LLC someday to introduce a solution to this issue in the way that IF choses the closest Fix if there is more than one with the entered name in the database instead of a random one (may be its the first hit in DB).

Nothing the Navigation Database Editors in the Airport editing team can solve.

Regards, Tom