Dublin airport detailing problems

Dublin airport had many changes throughout the last year. Without a doubt its hard to keep up, but here are some of the detailing problems that ive came across…. Some are are small some are random, but still make a different when it comes to being realistic.

Firstly we have aerlingus hanger… As we can see above the a330 aircraft sticks out from the right parking spot provided. The left can manage the a330 and keep her tuck. My proposal to this problem is to limit that aircraft parking spot to a320s and smaller.

Our second problem is around the hangers… The stands here are not there anymore. These will be made for 737s i belive for ryanir and the extension to the pier. Until then it would be nice if these stands could be removed and instead have diggers and such around that area as seen above.

Our third problem is regarding one of the newest taxiway additions to Dublin. This being echo two. I believe this has been requested before, and would be a nice addition to the next update, as again trying to keep onto of realism.

Now our fourth problem that Im not going to add any photos in is stand 404c at termal 2. I have brought this problem up in the past and is still yet to be resolved. The problem around this gate is that it will not allow for an aircraft bigger than the a321 to park here. In real life as some may know a 777 can park in this area. So if that problem can be resolved aswell that would be very nice.

Thank you for reading this topic. Any feedback or resolutions are made please comment below. Thank you again:)

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Thanks for the detailed report. I have forwarded this to the airport’s editors. The spawn sizes should hopefully be addressed for a future update.

When updated and adequate imagery is available, E2 will be added.

As you can see, you’re in free flight mode which basically means you can dp whatever you want with no restrictions or anything. If you go to training server and higher, i belive the stands should only be limited to smaller aircraft. Try that

This is true; however, the start location is set to Class F in the Editor, so even in TS and ES, any aircraft, including the A380, can spawn.

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Ive already tried that, i get where ur coming from but again even in expert we have the same result

Which is infact a problem as we know the a380 cannot arrive at dublin as its too big.

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Thank you Zachary:)

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Ah okey. I learned something new too 😃

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Don’t forget the new SID STARS for the new runway 😀


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