Can either @JetSuperior5192 (Sorry, am I missing another general IFATC account instead of just mentioning you, I figured you helped me with my last inquiry that I’d mention you specifically considering your title as well?) or anyone with @Support or IFATC inform me if while controlling a ground station with D&T if there’s a certain point on the runway to drag to so that it sends, “‘ …contact tower when ready,’” or if I/we when you aren’t a IFATC?
As far as I know, there’s currently a bug with the drag-and-taxi feature, but it should be fixed in the future. Generally, you should contact the tower once you’ve reached the hold-short line and are ready for takeoff.
So as a Controller you need to give extra Frequency change command.
Definitely! I am flying on ES much more often now, excluding times when I leave my iPad on while at work for long hauls/ultra long hauls and don’t want to be reported—understandably so if I turn on VNAV too for some reason too! lol @Me : /
I hear it all the time on ES, though when I control on TS—[now] that I think [about] it—I don’t recall ever hearing it transmitted. I was just [wondering] if I need to drag to a certain point on the runway. Or if I am correctly understanding, are you saying that it is a bug specific to TS? No worries either way, I just want to make sure I am doing it correctly. Sending freq. change approved or contact ‘XXXX’ tower is just as easy, again, just want to make sure I am using it correctly.
Thank you for your time and help as well, @Daeng-E !
I talk about in ES, it’s been a long time i didn’t controller at TS,😅
Well this depends on preference, both of them have a positive and negative,
Gotcha’! Yeah, I hear it and have heard CTwR at the end of the progressive D&T for some time now on ES!
Yeah… and controlling on TS can be… …FUN 🫠 Haha! I figured just anything to tell them to change frequencies and since D&T doesn’t transmit both kind of work/hopefully let the new users know they can change.
I can not 100% be sure as it’s a bit of a reflex move, but I think you just unclick the little box to hold short of the runway, then it will automatically say “contact tower when ready”. I’m sure someone will confirm shortly. :)
Thank you so much your help, time, and for the information! I will definitely see unless someone else can confirm—I am currently controlling KJFK on TS for anyone who sees this and doesn’t mind a minute at most.
Sure, I can pop by lol
Very nice editing of the taxi route!
Just remember to clear for the option once the aircraft is airborne (this prevents you forgetting later when you have many aircraft) and aim to give runway exits around 80 knots groundspeed and you’ll be all ready for the test in no time!
Goodnight! :D
Not going to lie, I was kind of multitasking getting stuff ready for work! Haha! Sorry about that! Thank you so much, again, for your time and help, @CompetitiveDivide320 ! I really appreciate it!
Thank you for all the pointers, as well! I am kind of thinking about IFATC, but still unsure at the moment.
Trainer @Jinco would be glad to help I’m sure ;)
Would I be correct in assuming that DM-ing @Jinco would be better for that conversation?
I’ll gladly be your Trainer in the future if a space opens up and if my availability matches with yours after you apply for IFATC! You can DM me with any questions at any time :)
Sounds good! Thank you in advance, @Jinco !
Hello! Not sure if this was answered already, but if you want to include contact tower, make sure all hold short checks are not checked. The boxes should be empty
Hello, i’ve got a question about drag and taxi.
Why is it that whenever I use that feature, it gives a different route from what I have assigned?
For example in the picture, the green line represents the route that I want the aircraft to follow while the red line represents what happens when I use the drag and taxi.
(I always drag from the aircraft to the runway)
(Airport ref in the pic is WSSS)
I’ve gotten that before too, it things that will be the most direct route. I think it will be fixed soon.
That’s direct route to runway. For now editing taxiway route is the only option for us :)