Doha to The World - Flying Every Qatar Airways Route

Every QA Flight

Starting today, I will be attempting to fly every single flight operated by Qatar Airways, as of July 1st 2024. I currently have no set completion date, as I want to enjoy it and not rush it.

I have already completed a large(ish) proportion of the routes so far for Qatari Virtual, and I will be including those.
A table of my progress can be found below, with every route listed, and the date I completed it on, as well as all of the others still to be completed.

Departure Arrival Dep ICAO Arr ICAO Aircraft Date Completed
Doha Madrid OTHH LEMD B77W 3/7/23
Doha London Heathrow OTHH EGLL A380 17/11/23
Doha Manchester OTHH EGCC A350 –
Doha Brussels OTHH EBBR B788 –
Doha Oslo OTHH ENGM B788 –
Doha Dublin OTHH EIDW B788 17/3/24
Doha Edinburgh OTHH EGPH A350 –
Doha Birmingham OTHH EGBB B788 –
Doha Stockholm OTHH ESSA B788 20/6/23
Doha London Gatwick OTHH EGKK B788 25/6/23
Doha Lyon OTHH LFLL B788 –
Doha Paris OTHH LFPG B77W 9/3/24
Doha Frankfurt OTHH EDDF B77W 13/4/24
Doha Dusseldorf OTHH EDDL B788 –
Doha Copenhagen OTHH EKCH B789 –
Doha Toulouse OTHH LFBO A330 –
Doha Rome OTHH LIRF A350 25/6/23
Doha Prague OTHH LKPR B788 –
Doha Berlin OTHH EDDB B789 19/8/23
Doha Zagreb OTHH LDZA A320 –
Doha Belgrade OTHH LYBE A320 –
Doha Nice OTHH LFMN A350 25/5/24
Doha Warsaw OTHH EPWA B788 –
Doha Zurich OTHH LSZH A350 22/7/23
Doha Moscow OTHH UUEE B788 –
Doha Budapest OTHH LHBP B788 27/10/23
Doha Amsterdam OTHH EHAM B77W 2/3/24
Doha Geneva OTHH LSGG A350 –
Doha Barcelona OTHH LEBL B789 –
Doha Vienna OTHH LOWW B788 24/6/24
Doha Milan OTHH LIMC A350 –
Doha Athens OTHH LGAV B77W 17/1/24
Doha Sofia OTHH LBSF A320 –
Doha Istanbul OTHH LTFM B77W 15/10/23
Doha Bucharest OTHH LROP A320 1/10/23
Doha Lisbon OTHH LPPT B788 –
Doha Venice OTHH LIPZ B788 –
Doha Mykonos OTHH LGMK A320 –
Doha Larnaca OTHH LCLK A320 –
Doha Hangzhou OTHH ZSHC B77W –
Doha Bangkok OTHH VTBS A380 3/4/24
Doha Singapore OTHH WSSS A350 –
Doha Kuala Lumpur OTHH WMKK B77W –
Doha Hong Kong OTHH VHHH B77W –
Doha Dhaka OTHH VGHS B788 –
Doha Kolkata OTHH VECC A350 –
Doha Colombo OTHH VCBI B788 8/10/23
Doha Hanoi OTHH VVNB A350 –
Doha Phuket OTHH VTSP B77W –
Phuket Bangkok VTSP VTBS B77W –
Phuket Penang VTSP WMKP B77W –
Doha Kathmandu OTHH VNKT B788 –
Doha Guangzhou OTHH ZGGG B77W –
Doha Ankara OTHH LTAC A320 –
Doha Cochin OTHH VOCI A350 –
Doha Trivandrum OTHH VOTV A320 –
Doha Almaty OTHH UAAA A320 –
Doha Male OTHH VRMM B77W –
Doha Amritsar OTHH VIAR B788 –
Doha Istanbul OTHH LTFJ A320 –
Doha Hyderabad OTHH VOHS A350 6/7/24
Doha Kozhikode OTHH VOCL A320 –
Doha Kerachi OTHH OPKC A350 –
Doha Tbilisi OTHH UGTB B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Peshawar OTHH OPPS A320 –
Doha Lahore OTHH OPLA A350 7/7/23
Doha Sialkot OTHH OPST A320 –
Doha Islamabad OTHH OPIS A350 –
Doha Goa OTHH VOGO A320 –
Doha Chennai OTHH VOMM B788 –
Doha Delhi OTHH VIDP A350 8/10/23
Doha Yerevan OTHH UDYZ B788 –
Doha Multan OTHH OPMT A320 –
Doha Ahmedabad OTHH VAAH A320 –
Doha Nagpur OTHH VANP A320 –
Doha Beirut OTHH OLBA B77W –
Doha Baku OTHH UBBB A320 6/6/23
Doha Amman OTHH OJAI A350 Text
Doha Sulaimaniyah OTHH ORSU A320 –
Doha Taif OTHH OETF A320 –
Doha Baghdad OTHH ORBI B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Al-Qassim OTHH OEGS A320 –
Doha Medina OTHH OEMA B77W 8/10/23
Doha Basra OTHH ORMM A350 –
Doha Erbil OTHH ORER A320 –
Doha Salalah OTHH OOSA A320 –
Doha Tehran OTHH OIIE B788 21/6/23
Doha Al Najaf OTHH ORNI A320 –
Doha Jeddah OTHH OEJN A350 26/5/24
Doha Isfahan OTHH OIFM A320 –
Doha Shiraz OTHH OISS A350 –
Doha Riyadh OTHH OERK B77L 14/9/23
Doha Muscat OTHH OOMS B788 22/6/23
Doha Bengaluru OTHH VOBL A350 –
Doha Mumbai OTHH VABB A350 28/4/24
Doha Beijing OTHH ZBAD B77W –
Doha Seoul OTHH RKSI A350 –
Doha Jakarta OTHH WIII B77W –
Doha Shanghai OTHH ZSPD B77W 16/1/24
Doha Cebu OTHH RPVM B788 –
Cebu Davao City RPVM RPMD B788 –
Doha Manila OTHH RPLL B77W 22/11/23
Doha Angeles City OTHH RPLC B788 –
Doha Maputo OTHH FQMA B788 –
Doha Denpasar OTHH WADD A350 12/12/23
Doha Ho Chi Minh City OTHH VVTS B77W –
Ho Chi Minh City Phnom Penh VVTS VDPP B77W –
Doha Dubai OTHH OMDB B77W 7/12/23
Doha Abu Dhabi OTHH OMAA A320 1/6/23
Doha Sharjah OTHH OMSJ B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Kuwait City OTHH OKKK B77W 11/6/24
Doha Damman OTHH OEDF A320 3/4/24
Doha Tokyo Narita OTHH RJAA B77W 21/1/24
Doha Tokyo Haneda OTHH RJTT A350 3/12/23
Doha Neom Bay OTHH OENN A320 –
Doha Tabuk OTHH OETB A320 –
Doha Medan OTHH WIMM B788 –
Doha Trabzon OTHH LTCG A320 20/7/23
Doha Tashkent OTHH UTTT A320 –
Doha Osaka OTHH RJBB A350 –
Doha Luanda OTHH FNLU B788 –
Doha Casablanca OTHH GMMN B788 19/7/23
Casablanca Marrakesh GMMN GMMX B788 19/7/23
Doha Abuja OTHH DNAA B788 –
Abuja Kano DNAA DNKN B788 –
Abuja Port-Harcourt DNAA DNPO B788 –
Doha Lusaka OTHH FLKK B788 –
Lusaka Harare FLKK FVRG B788 –
Doha Algiers OTHH DAAG A330 –
Doha Zanzibar OTHH HTZA A320 –
Doha Kilamanjaro OTHH HTKJ A330 –
Kilamanjaro Dar-es-Salaam HTKJ HTDA A330 –
Doha Entebbe OTHH HUEN A330 –
Doha Lagos OTHH DNMM A350 –
Doha Nairobi OTHH HKJK B77L –
Doha Victoria OTHH FSIA B77L –
Doha Accra OTHH DGAA B788 –
Accra Abidjan DGAA DIAP B788 –
Doha Djibouti OTHH HDAM A320 –
Djibouti Mogadishu HDAM HCMM A320 –
Doha Alexandria OTHH HEBA A320 –
Doha Addis Ababa OTHH HAAB B77W 6/1/24
Doha Cairo OTHH HECA B77W 11/4/24
Doha Johannesburg OTHH FAOR A350 21/7/24
Doha Windhoek OTHH FYWH B788 26/11/23
Doha Cape Town OTHH FACT A350 7/2/24
Doha Kinshasa OTHH FZAA B788 –
Kinshasa Luanda FZAA FNLU B788 –
Doha Mogadishu OTHH HCMM A320 –
Doha Tunis OTHH DTTA A350 14/4/24
Doha Montreal OTHH CYUL B77W 31/1/24
Doha New York OTHH KJFK B77W 24/3/24
Doha Seattle OTHH KSEA B77W 22/12/23
Doha Washington OTHH KIAD B77W 14/4/24
Doha Dallas OTHH KDFW A350 8/2/24
Doha Houston OTHH KIAH A350 –
Doha San Francisco OTHH KSFO A350 –
Doha Chicago OTHH KORD B77W 8/1/24
Doha Boston OTHH KBOS A350 29/1/24
Doha Los Angeles OTHH KLAX A350 4/2/24
Doha Atlanta OTHH KATL B77W 15/1/24
Doha Miami OTHH KMIA A350 3/3/24
Doha Brisbane OTHH YBBN B77W 9/2/24
Doha Melbourne OTHH YMML B77W 13/1/24
Melbourne Adelaide YMML YPAD B77W –
Doha Perth OTHH YPPH A380 27/5/24
Doha Sydney OTHH YSSY A380 20/11/23
Doha Adelaide OTHH YPAD B77W 16/12/23
Doha Auckland OTHH NZAA A350 13/4/24
Doha Sao Paulo OTHH SBGR B77L 12/1/24

After I finish Qatar Airways routes, I may well move on to doing other oneworld alliance airline members, but that remains to be seen!

Thanks all! Wish me luck!


That’s absolutely mind blowing @MANDELA, all the very best and have an awesome experience doing this.

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Thank you very much!

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Should’ve seen this topic coming πŸ˜‚


Looks like you’ve made considerable progress already - good luck with the rest of it!


You know me too well haha

Mandyy! Nice work!
This looks like something awesome!

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That’s some freakin commitment! Best of luck

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Thank you Joel!!

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Amazing idea! I never got around to finishing my own challenge lol…

At this very moment, I am flying this route in the opposite direction.


I have recently completed Hyderabad!
Flown with the wonderful A350, FT: 3h06.



Definitely didn’t forget about this… Will be continuing from now!

As I can no longer edit the main post, progress will be logged here:

Updated Progress
Departure Arrival Dep ICAO Arr ICAO Aircraft Date Completed
Doha Madrid OTHH LEMD B77W 3/7/23
Doha London Heathrow OTHH EGLL A380 17/11/23
Doha Manchester OTHH EGCC A350 6/10/24
Doha Brussels OTHH EBBR B788 13/10/24
Doha Oslo OTHH ENGM B788 19/10/24
Doha Dublin OTHH EIDW B788 17/3/24
Doha Edinburgh OTHH EGPH A350 21/10/24
Doha Birmingham OTHH EGBB B788 28/10/24
Doha Stockholm OTHH ESSA B788 20/6/23
Doha London Gatwick OTHH EGKK B788 25/6/23
Doha Lyon OTHH LFLL B788 29/10/24
Doha Paris OTHH LFPG B77W 9/3/24
Doha Frankfurt OTHH EDDF B77W 13/4/24
Doha Dusseldorf OTHH EDDL B788 –
Doha Copenhagen OTHH EKCH B789 –
Doha Rome OTHH LIRF A350 25/6/23
Doha Prague OTHH LKPR B788 –
Doha Berlin OTHH EDDB B789 19/8/23
Doha Zagreb OTHH LDZA A320 –
Doha Belgrade OTHH LYBE A320 –
Doha Nice OTHH LFMN A350 25/5/24
Doha Warsaw OTHH EPWA B788 –
Doha Zurich OTHH LSZH A350 22/7/23
Doha Moscow OTHH UUEE B788 –
Doha Budapest OTHH LHBP B788 27/10/23
Doha Amsterdam OTHH EHAM B77W 2/3/24
Doha Geneva OTHH LSGG A350 –
Doha Barcelona OTHH LEBL B789 –
Doha Vienna OTHH LOWW B788 24/6/24
Doha Milan OTHH LIMC A350 –
Doha Athens OTHH LGAV B77W 17/1/24
Doha Sofia OTHH LBSF A320 –
Doha Istanbul OTHH LTFM B77W 15/10/23
Doha Bucharest OTHH LROP A320 1/10/23
Doha Lisbon OTHH LPPT B788 –
Doha Venice OTHH LIPZ B788 25/10/24
Doha Mykonos OTHH LGMK A320 –
Doha Larnaca OTHH LCLK A320 –
Doha Hangzhou OTHH ZSHC B77W –
Doha Bangkok OTHH VTBS A380 3/4/24
Doha Singapore OTHH WSSS A350 –
Doha Kuala Lumpur OTHH WMKK B77W –
Doha Hong Kong OTHH VHHH B77W –
Doha Dhaka OTHH VGHS B788 –
Doha Kolkata OTHH VECC A350 –
Doha Colombo OTHH VCBI B788 8/10/23
Doha Hanoi OTHH VVNB A350 –
Doha Phuket OTHH VTSP B77W –
Phuket Bangkok VTSP VTBS B77W –
Phuket Penang VTSP WMKP B77W –
Doha Kathmandu OTHH VNKT B788 –
Doha Guangzhou OTHH ZGGG B77W –
Doha Ankara OTHH LTAC A320 –
Doha Cochin OTHH VOCI A350 –
Doha Trivandrum OTHH VOTV A320 –
Doha Almaty OTHH UAAA A320 20/7/24
Doha Male OTHH VRMM B77W –
Doha Amritsar OTHH VIAR B788 –
Doha Istanbul OTHH LTFJ A320 –
Doha Hyderabad OTHH VOHS A350 6/7/24
Doha Kozhikode OTHH VOCL A320 –
Doha Kerachi OTHH OPKC A350 –
Doha Tbilisi OTHH UGTB B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Peshawar OTHH OPPS A320 –
Doha Lahore OTHH OPLA A350 7/7/23
Doha Sialkot OTHH OPST A320 –
Doha Islamabad OTHH OPIS A350 –
Doha Goa OTHH VOGO A320 –
Doha Chennai OTHH VOMM B788 –
Doha Delhi OTHH VIDP A350 8/10/23
Doha Yerevan OTHH UDYZ B788 –
Doha Multan OTHH OPMT A320 –
Doha Ahmedabad OTHH VAAH A320 –
Doha Nagpur OTHH VANP A320 –
Doha Beirut OTHH OLBA B77W –
Doha Baku OTHH UBBB A320 6/6/23
Doha Amman OTHH OJAI A350 9/7/23
Doha Sulaimaniyah OTHH ORSU A320 6/11/24
Doha Taif OTHH OETF A320 20/7/24
Doha Baghdad OTHH ORBI B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Al-Qassim OTHH OEGS A320 –
Doha Medina OTHH OEMA B77W 8/10/23
Doha Basra OTHH ORMM A350 –
Doha Erbil OTHH ORER A320 –
Doha Salalah OTHH OOSA A320 –
Doha Tehran OTHH OIIE B788 21/6/23
Doha Al Najaf OTHH ORNI A320 –
Doha Jeddah OTHH OEJN A350 26/5/24
Doha Isfahan OTHH OIFM A320 –
Doha Shiraz OTHH OISS A350 –
Doha Riyadh OTHH OERK B77L 14/9/23
Doha Muscat OTHH OOMS B788 22/6/23
Doha Bengaluru OTHH VOBL A350 –
Doha Mumbai OTHH VABB A350 28/4/24
Doha Beijing OTHH ZBAD B77W –
Doha Seoul OTHH RKSI A350 –
Doha Jakarta OTHH WIII B77W –
Doha Shanghai OTHH ZSPD B77W 16/1/24
Doha Cebu OTHH RPVM B788 –
Cebu Davao City RPVM RPMD B788 –
Doha Manila OTHH RPLL B77W 22/11/23
Doha Angeles City OTHH RPLC B788 –
Doha Maputo OTHH FQMA B788 –
Doha Denpasar OTHH WADD A350 12/12/23
Doha Ho Chi Minh City OTHH VVTS B77W 22/9/24
Ho Chi Minh City Phnom Penh VVTS VDPP B77W 22/9/24
Doha Dubai OTHH OMDB B77W 7/12/23
Doha Abu Dhabi OTHH OMAA A320 1/6/23
Doha Sharjah OTHH OMSJ B737 MAX 8 –
Doha Kuwait City OTHH OKKK B77W 11/6/24
Doha Damman OTHH OEDF A320 3/4/24
Doha Tokyo Narita OTHH RJAA B77W 21/1/24
Doha Tokyo Haneda OTHH RJTT A350 3/12/23
Doha Neom Bay OTHH OENN A320 3/11/24
Doha Tabuk OTHH OETB A320 13/11/24
Doha Medan OTHH WIMM B788 –
Doha Trabzon OTHH LTCG A320 20/7/23
Doha Tashkent OTHH UTTT A320 –
Doha Osaka OTHH RJBB A350 –
Doha Luanda OTHH FNLU B788 –
Doha Casablanca OTHH GMMN B788 19/7/23
Casablanca Marrakesh GMMN GMMX B788 19/7/23
Doha Abuja OTHH DNAA B788 25/10/24
Abuja Kano DNAA DNKN B788 –
Abuja Port-Harcourt DNAA DNPO B788 –
Doha Lusaka OTHH FLKK B788 –
Lusaka Harare FLKK FVRG B788 –
Doha Algiers OTHH DAAG A330 –
Doha Zanzibar OTHH HTZA A320 –
Doha Kilamanjaro OTHH HTKJ A330 –
Kilamanjaro Dar-es-Salaam HTKJ HTDA A330 –
Doha Entebbe OTHH HUEN A330 –
Doha Lagos OTHH DNMM A350 –
Doha Nairobi OTHH HKJK B77L –
Doha Victoria OTHH FSIA B77L –
Doha Accra OTHH DGAA B788 –
Accra Abidjan DGAA DIAP B788 –
Doha Djibouti OTHH HDAM A320 –
Djibouti Mogadishu HDAM HCMM A320 –
Doha Alexandria OTHH HEBA A320 –
Doha Addis Ababa OTHH HAAB B77W 6/1/24
Doha Cairo OTHH HECA B77W 11/4/24
Doha Johannesburg OTHH FAOR A350 21/7/24
Doha Windhoek OTHH FYWH B788 26/11/23
Doha Cape Town OTHH FACT A350 7/2/24
Doha Kinshasa OTHH FZAA B788 29/9/24
Kinshasa Luanda FZAA FNLU B788 –
Doha Mogadishu OTHH HCMM A320 –
Doha Tunis OTHH DTTA A350 14/4/24
Doha Montreal OTHH CYUL B77W 31/1/24
Doha New York OTHH KJFK B77W 24/3/24
Doha Seattle OTHH KSEA B77W 22/12/23
Doha Washington OTHH KIAD B77W 14/4/24
Doha Dallas OTHH KDFW A350 8/2/24
Doha Houston OTHH KIAH A350 22/11/24
Doha San Francisco OTHH KSFO A350 –
Doha Chicago OTHH KORD B77W 8/1/24
Doha Boston OTHH KBOS A350 29/1/24
Doha Los Angeles OTHH KLAX A350 4/2/24
Doha Atlanta OTHH KATL B77W 15/1/24
Doha Miami OTHH KMIA A350 3/3/24
Doha Brisbane OTHH YBBN B77W 9/2/24
Doha Melbourne OTHH YMML B77W 13/1/24
Melbourne Adelaide YMML YPAD B77W –
Doha Perth OTHH YPPH A380 27/5/24
Doha Sydney OTHH YSSY A380 20/11/23
Doha Adelaide OTHH YPAD B77W 16/12/23
Doha Auckland OTHH NZAA A350 13/4/24
Doha Sao Paulo OTHH SBGR B77L 12/1/24

Didn’t see this topic earlier. Hope you have fun time doing this.

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Thanks baller! Maybe we can fly together on a couple longer routes πŸ€œπŸ€›

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Yeah One day!

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I have just completed flying to Kinshasa (FZAA), alongside @BallerMII_Ek in the B788!
FT: 6h53


Wonderful flight with you @MANDELA. Can’t wait to do more with you in the future

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Completed on 6th October, Flight Time: 6h52.