Dogfighting is an incredibly thrilling experience. Seeing that we already have many different fighters in the game, (F/A-18, A-10, F-22, F-16C, F-14), this could fundamentally change the game.
However a few things could happen to make this even better.
A rework for F-22, F-14, and F-16C
Addition of Sukhois, MiGs, and JAS39 Gripen E-Series
Possible some sort of damage model.
This would be located under the “missions” section. You could select an aircraft, and be spawned into a server where you could Dogfight with others.
Also, a Formation flying Mission could be added where you perform certain formations and stunts, like seen with the Blue Angels.
This could add a thrilling competition to the game, making the sim even better than it already is.
Note how I am suggesting a
A. Separate server as to not interfere with flight
B. In a similar format as the missions like “Grand Canyon Race”
In the case of A, it could just be a separate server for the dogfighting.
A damage model wont be added as it will require a change in the infinite flight code so when it hits the ground or other planes “shoot” at it then it will actually show damage. Your best luck on getting this is to wait for a fighter remodel. And possibly missiles😅 Most likely wont be added. It would also need a damage model.
We certainly do. Fighter can bring in quite a few potential especially in escort missions etc. I actually remember escorting an airliner at London in my F18 on training server so it’s really fun when we can do it if more fighter gets added. Having more fighters would also lead to potential joint combat operations or exercise like Exercise red flag which involves other Air force fighters like F-15 and F-35.