Dissapearing white line in the sky

While at KMIA in the 747-8 i noticed this white line that kept appearing and disappearing in the sky.

Another weird bug i encountered was this massive sphere like object that appeared in the A380 cabin once i turned the APU on at KLAX. I was not able to capture this bug though.

Device: iPhone 12
Operating system: iOS 18.2

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Do you have landing aid on? I can’t remember if the landing aid is red or white.

No i do not.

Landing aid are big red squares, thats not it.

Oh ok, I must have misremembered it. @DJFlights did you try restarting your app?

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Yea, i didnt see it again, but after i restarted i saw that sphere in the cabin, its not a breaking bug, just something weird i have never encountered before.

Interesting. It sounds like restarting the app may have helped. The weird white rectangles and the sphere must have been one-off glitches.

I too had this when I was flying.

That’s just the cloud rendering weirdly, i also have the same thing in the sky, i just pretend to think it was a contrail haha

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i also found this. i suspect it has something to do with the autopushback

It’s Most likely a scenery glitch. I’ve experienced a bunch while flying mainly ones related with clouds! This should be fixed in a future update or hotfix ☺️

Sweet! Thanks for the feedback! Glad it wasnt just me 😅😅

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