I exchanged messages with a 777 pilot. Besides emphasizing aileron mostly neutral (because if ailerons deflect beyond 5-10 degrees, spoilers deploy to assist bank which increases drag - a no go on takeoff roll), they said “we still have yaw tendency at light winds. You do feel more pressure on one side than the other. Rudder is your friend.”
And btw, after testing a bit more, I think the screen shot comparison I had above was the more extreme result: You’ve got to get the nose up a bit asap* (which is contrary to irl. Check out near the middle of this about holding the nose down is standard practice: Learn To handle A Boeing 737 in severe crosswind. Takeoff (youtube.com)) And I was also likely more subdued with rotation rate (as mention before).
*this means that, paradoxically, using lots of trim to assist in rotation, may actually increase the sensation that the aircraft wants to go off the runway during light crosswinds.
edit: as a side note, avoiding excessive bank input on large commercial aircraft during crosswind operations near the ground (because of the spoiler deployment issue) appears to be quite universal? @ToasterStroodie I think brought it up for the A380 during crosswind takeoffs/landings, and Official source info on the topic: "Aircraft 380 tilts upon landing" extended that to the entire airbus family of aircraft I believe. And the YouTube video link above for the 737 talks about the same thing for that smaller Boeing aircraft as did the 777 pilot I mentioned did for that aircraft. (something I obviously didn’t know…also, avoiding an engine runway strike is something you don’t worry about in a high wing cessna)