Sorry @Dimitrios_TA joining departure only
Ok no worries!
In 28 minutes tho.
Which gate i wanna spawn now
Will you wait for 28 minutes?
Also what alt and vs just so i can climb to cruise and stay for a bit
Yes ofc yes
Alpha apron terminal gates A04 or A05
34000 feet and any vs between 3000-3500 preferably 3200 or 3000
Spawned! Cant wait!
But you are not doing the entire flight tho.
Yeah, Im really sorry :(
I’m making a departure timelapse tho
FAOR UTRUK NESEK ETOSA GBV UVLUK AVULA GEPEN BOPAN UNLIL IXEPA IBLOK 1800S/01000E 1800S/0900E 1800S/0800E 1800S/0700E 1700S/0600E 1600S/0500E 1600S/0400E 1500S/0300E 1400S/0200E 1400S/0100E 1300S/0000E 1200S/0100W 1200S/0200W 1100S/0300W 1000S/0400W 1000S/0500W 900S/0600W 800S/0700W 800S/0800W 700S/0900W 500S/01100W 400S/01200W 300S/01300W 300S/01400W 200S/01500W 100S/01600W 000N/01700W 100N/01800W 200N/01900W 300N/02000W 400N/02100W 400N/02200W 500N/02300W 500N/02400W 500N/02500W BUVUK MAROA IRAVU ASEBA BUXON DIGUN POKSI IRELA PAKER BUTUX FIVZE KOZIK BRKZZ MEGGG DUNIG GALVN FLUPS JAINS LURKS SPIKY PITRW CHS MEGEE GISTS LAMKE DORCE SACKS HARAB NORMS LASHE IRQ APIAN KATL
Here we are!
But are you gonna spawn now…
Wait 2 minutes
@BigJetPlane spawn in now!
He’s already in i see him
do you mind to fly at a slightly lower altitude to avoid collisions @a5b6d28383
Ill do 32000
in 9 hours or smth go to fl 41 or 39
Im gonna go probably, bye, and thanks for the great flight @Dimitrios_TA