Dimitrios_ta’s flight tracking thread

231st flight info:
Route: SEZ-IST
Airline / aircraft: Turkish Airlines A330-300
Est time: 7:50
Time: 2024-11-29T23:00:00Z
@MAviationYT @Random_AviatorYT @whyevenbothernaming @KSATplane_spotter @T.Malone @deltaoutofdca @ORDspotter
@arlin1 @anon12766475 @BigJetPlane @Cpt-Lucc4 @a5b6d28383 @FlightAvgeek @Lufthansa1 @Ywikiwinfiniteflight @adam_2tuff @Waxyscorpion308 @Dub_aviation @TheRealOne @Jger @United403 @Alex_529153

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I saw him on New York Flyout today. Hope he’s doing well


ill leave in like 15 minutes.
is anyone joining?

I might join for the beginning but I can’t do a whole flight. I’ll break away after like 15 minutes

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Sorry, just ate dinner! Be there in a moment.

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Wait damn you’re on expert nvm 😭😭😭😭

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Almost any flight tracking thread you come across will have their flights on the Expert Server, unless it specifies otherwise. If it doesn’t, you can just assume that the default is the ES


Im loving back taxiing!

I don’t really know how to explain it, but I very often forget there are separate grades at all so I’m not consciously thinking “oh that’s an expert event” or “this guy only flies on expert,” just “hey look that guy is flying and I know him, let’s fly together”

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Fair enough. You’re just too friendly of a person I guess 😭


Thanks lmaoo, when I get to expert I’ll be doing so many group flights and flyouts it’s not even finny

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Ima either go to houston or ulaanbatar after istanbul

I can’t say when exactly but hopefully before Dec 14

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you’ll get there i believe in you


Me too!
I hope we will be flying tigether all the time!
It has been lonely for me can you chevk liveflight and upload a screenchot to see egats close to me?

bro i would join you but the time difference is a killer

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7-9 hours is crazy.

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upload what?

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Liveflight.app of me i cannot access now just to see any nearby traffic

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yeah sure

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