Ok I am going to make my self sound stupid but her me out I thought we used to have thunderstorms and such but we don’t anymore and i thought we also has 3D clouds not 2D and I really wish we could have live weather i would make the game get a more realistic factor honestly
We never had that to begin with. Live weather is being worked on for a future, hopefully, not far.
Hey we never got storms or rain in infinite flight
We also have topics to vote fir that
Features check here
We’ve never had that. But I do remember when bodies of water “sparkled.” Rather than the current flat blue and green. Made for some great pics.
Personally, I’m eagerly awaiting better airport lighting for night flights, including taxi/landing lights that actually illuminate the ground.
Blue skies!
X-plane for smart devices had weather (visibility, clouds, weather, winds, turbc/icing), etc. back before multi-player and all adjustable. It was cool but not realistic and their aircraft/terrain was pixelated. IF has always been superior to the other sims.
I miss the old water