Device Compatibility Thread 22.3 - Built By Us For You!

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2nd most popular mobile OS. Great hardware, fast software, very few compromises.
“Gimme ur money” - Tim Apple

iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2023

iPhone 15 Pro Max - @NYFLFlyer22

OS: iOS 17.0.2
Hardware: Apple A17 Pro, 8GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count : Very High

Notes: With an extra 2 gigs of RAM this year, the iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max runs Infinite Flight fine with no problems on the highest settings. As always, it’s a good idea to lower some settings to assist with heat and battery performance. Anyone who’s upgrading to a Pro this year doesn’t have anything to worry about for IF.

iPhone 12 Pro - 2020

iPhone 12 Pro - @Zachary

OS iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A14 Bionic, 6GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Runs the simulator incredibly well at the maximum graphics settings. I’d suggest turning off anti-aliasing and enabling limit frame rate for optimal performance with little heat, though the devices runs just fine if you don’t

iPhone 12 - 2020

iPhone 12 - @CannedAviation

OS iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A14 Bionic, 4GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Like previous generations of iPhone, the iPhone 12 runs the simulator phenomenally at maximum settings. It definitely can handle graphically intensive apps like Infinite Flight with no problem. It is recommended that Limit Frame Rate is enabled to minimize heating.

IPhone SE - 2020

iPhone SE - 2020 - @Tyler

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A13, 3GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Despite the size and cost, this phone is a beast for running Infinite Flight. Runs all max graphics with no lag. Strongly recommend this if looking for a cheap (but strong) device.

iPhone 11 Pro - 2019

iPhone 11 Pro - @KPIT @Dan_77

OS iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A13 Bionic, 4GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Runs the simulator incredibly well at the maximum graphics settings. Very good phone for infinite flight.

iPhone 11 - 2019

iPhone 11 - @Dan_77 @anon72640624

OS: iOS 15.5
Hardware: Apple A13 Bionic, 4GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Amazing to fly with with in Infinite Flight, definitely a top notch device to use.

iPhone XS - 2018

iPhone XS - @Jens_Severin & @Infinite_aviation1

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A12 Bionic, 4GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: (Jens) Preform well under flights, with little to some lag during some instances. Runs a little warm if you are taxiing and there are other (5+) aircraft present. I bought this phone new in 2018 and it has survived the upgrades to Infinite Flight.
(Infinite) Works well. But I regret switching to iPhone.

iPhone XR - 2018

iPhone XR - @TheFlyingGuy1

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A12 Bionic, 3GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes : This phone is a beast. I have never had an issue running IF with it. All of the graphics setting can be at max and no heating issues even while charging. I would definitely recommend this phone for IF!

iPhone X - 2017

iPhone X - @Matt737 & @kyleditching

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A11 Bionic, 3GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: (Matt) What a beast! The iPhone X can run this huge simulator, with settings all on high! Crazy! Definitely one of the best performers out there!

(Kyle) So far so good! This phone can really handle Infinite Flight well considering it’s 4 years old already! However it can get laggy sometimes in very crowded and busy airports so I would recommend lowering down the graphics!

iPhone 8 - 2017

iPhone 8 - @Dan_77 @AllegiantAir

OS: iOS 15.5
Hardware: Apple A11 Bionic, 2GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: Very High

Notes: Runs perfectly well with everything on high at busy airports. Has a smaller screen than the iPhone 10 which often results in the 8 outperforming the 10. Watch out for overheating.

iPhone 7 - 2016

iPhone 7 - @Dan_77 @RealAviation1974

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A10 Fusion, 2GB

Rendering Quality: Medium
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: Medium
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: high

Notes: Good device for Infinite Flight. Runs quite smooth with most aircraft, including most the live cockpit ones, During busy times such as FNF or featured airports, the phone may overheat, and you could see some lag. Is recommended to restart the device before each flight.

kiriburrito - Low ram and poor thermal performance make this a difficult recommendation for flying. Becomes uncomfortable very quickly

iPhone SE - 2016

iPhone SE - @Panther

OS’ iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A9, 2GB

Rendering Quality: Medium
3D Object Density: Medium
Rendering Resolution: Medium
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane count: Very high

Notes: Can easily lag. Is beginning to get quite old now and its small chassis doesn’t do it any favours for cooling

iPhone 6S - 2015

iPhone 6S - @JoelJ @Cbro4 and @AviationJack

OS: iOS 14.5.1
Hardware: Apple A9, 2GB

Rendering Quality: Medium
3D Object Density: Medium
Rendering Resolution: Medium
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: High

Notes: Runs IF greatly at high resolution without much lag. Little to no problems in crowded airports. Great device! Be mindful on long haul flights where the device with slow nearer the end.

IPhone 6 - 2015

iPhone 6 - @Justin0623

OS: iOS 12.5.3
Hardware: Apple A8, 1GB

Rendering Quality: Medium
3D Object Density: Low
Rendering Resolution: Medium
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: Off
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: Medium

Notes: This is my second phone while this device is able to run IF on high graphics i recommend you lower on longer flights or just lower at cruise with its 1 gigabyte of ram this device is not as powerful as some newer devices you will notice this on longhaul flights

iPod Touch 6 - 2015

iPod Touch 6th Generation - @Dan_77

OS: IOS 12.5.3
Hardware: Apple A8, 1GB

Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: Medium
Rendering Resolution: Medium
Texture quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 30FPS
Airplane Count: Medium

Notes: To say I’m surprised by the performance of the device would be an understatement. Solo mode is easy max graphics, but I would strongly recommend lowering them at a busy airport on live. Small screen means a lower rendering res isn’t noticeable. Beware it cooks your hands.

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Disclaimer Device specifications gratefully received from the website, a free source of public device information. Where possible, I have edited each device to a reasonable result. This list is community built and is not an exact representation of real world device performance, please do not base a purchase purely off this list.

I do not own the rights to any of the images posted on this thread, and where possible I have provided credit to the necessary source.
Credit For Various images in thread;
Icon credit:
And many others

All images in this thread are used for a non profit and informational purpose under the Fair Use 1988 Copyright Act. Where possible I have credited the original author. If a particular image cannot be used then please inform me directly so I can remove it from the thread.

What are the Minimum Device Requirements for Infinite Flight? Our minimum device requirements for the Global versions of Infinite Flight is as follows:


iOS 10 operating system or later with a 64-bit processor

Additionally, we strongly recommend that your device has at least 2GB+ of internal device memory (RAM).


Android 7.0 (Nougat) operating system or later with a 64-bit processor
Device must support OpenGL ES 3.0, click here to check

Additionally, we strongly recommend that your device has at least 2GB+ of internal device memory (RAM).

Note: Due to the large variety of Android devices, there is not a full list of devices supported. Customers with devices that are not supported at this time will receive a message on the Google Play Store when attempting to download the latest update for Infinite Flight to advise that the device in use is not supported.

If your device doesn’t have a 64-bit processor and cannot be upgraded to Android 7.0, you will still be able to enjoy Infinite Flight on versions prior to 21.1. To find out if your device meets these requirements, check here

Header Images credit and

Thank you to GSMArena for their free to use website in which a lot of data is used for this thread

Last thread update - Dan, 25/9/2022, 22:59 GMT