Departure controller instructions different from tower clearance

So I was cleared for takeoff at EGLL. Departure procedure in the flight plan was BPK7G SID. Tower told me to fly runway heading until at or above 5000 feet. Instantly after take off I was told to switch frequency to Heathrow Departure. At 2000 feet the departure controller said “Continue as filed”. Now just needing confirmation whose instructions to follow respectively if departure overrules tower in that case.


Always follow the most recent instructions.

If you ended up getting reported for then not following the runway heading instructions then it would be an easy appeal.


Always follow the last instruction given by ATC. If tower tells you to maintain runway heading but departure tells you to continue as filed you continue as filed. If tower reporters you it is the fault of the tower controller and it would be easy to appeal that violation.


I was the departure controller. In some cases where we have crossing departures on parallel runways, the radar controller will
Instruct tower to issue runway heading to X altitude for ALL departures. Once the departure controller issues you an instruction, whether it’s a continue as filed or vectors, that overrides whatever tower issues.

Thanks for bringing this up. It’s a good lesson for all.


Awesome. Thanks guys.

Metier and his shenanigans 😅😉 Nah jk. Thanks for your explanation.