(DEPARTED) FlyBe Virtual - Expedition Exeter @ EIDW - 172230ZFEB18

Server: Training

Region: United Kingdom

Airport: EIDW

Time: 2230Z

NOTAM: Join us as we fly the Dash 8 Q400 from Dublin through to Exeter. A simple but beautiful flight across the UK.

Flight Plan:

Please spawn in 5 minutes before departure to copy flight plan and load fuel, passengers and cargo.

Gate Allocations

Terminal 2 Gate 400L - @Declan_Lyall_O_Regan
Terminal 2 Gate 400R - @Daniel_Olivas
Terminal 2 Gate 401L -
Terminal 2 Gate 401R - @Gman
Terminal 2 Gate 402L - @Lpurcell27
Terminal 2 Gate 402R - @luedze
Terminal 2 Gate 403L - @Michael_Okore
Terminal 2 Gate 403R - @Mohamed1

More gates will be added if needed.

Sign-up today to join the FlyBe team on our expedition to Exeter.

Become a pilot with us today: Flybe Virtual Airlines - Apply Here

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Quick Reminder:

If you are part of FlyBe Virtual Airlines, remember to use your call-sign.


We also ask that you are ready to depart at 0705Z, so this should give you 5 minutes to copy flight plan and also set up the aircraft.

Our Official Thread: Flybe Virtual Airlines | Crew Center Coming Soon!

Hey dude ,
Hook me up with a gate I would love to join you today in your flight
See you there 🤟🏼

Awesome, Terminal 2 Gate 400R is yours. See you there!

hey whats the time of this flight and what day ?

It is on February 17th at 2230Z, which is the same as GMT time.

Alright buddy,
So next saturday At 2;30

( i live in cali)

And i will be sure to be there

Date and Time Change:

Just letting everyone know that the date and time has been changed to February the 17th at 22:30Z.

what time is 22:30Z if i live in cali?

2:30PM Saturday 17th.

Alright thanks I will try to be there
I might not be able to go becuase i have a funeral to go to that day for my grandpa so I will see if i can go

Ok, not a problem. Sorry to hear that.

Still time to sign up!

Sign up today for a scenic short hop from Dublin, Ireland to Exeter, United Kingdom.

FlyBe Virtual Airlines Main Thread:

Still time everyone to sign up to this amazing event! Request a gate below!

Can I have a gate please I’m part of the VA.

Sure thing. Terminal 2 Gate 401L is yours. See you there. Remember to use your FlyBe VA Call-sign.

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Still time to join today! Hope to see you there!

Make sure to sign-up today. It is utilizing our Dash 8 Q400 aircraft.

I’ll take a gate can’t wait to attend sounds like a really fun event