Delta Virtual | Short Haul Sundays #1 @ KJFK - 221800ZAPR18

Give me a gate please, I should be able to make it!

Delta 202

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Thanks for signing up! Hope you enjoy


Hey there, could you please sign me up, also, am I allowed to use an AFKLM A319 or just a Delta A319. AFKLM 109

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Hi Everyone, we have had a change of Event Coordinator this weekend. @Michael_McMurray will be leading the charge on Sunday. He will be also creating a post with this information.

Terminal 2:

Gate C70: @Michael_McMurray
Gate C69: @Twocflyer- DLVA1406
Gate C68: @TheDeltaFlyerr - DLVA435
Gate C67: @Bigballin2u - DLVA0824
Gate C63: @Michael_McMurray - DLVA1185
Gate C62: @Transport_Hub - DLVA0295
Gate C61: @Jmacd20 - DLVA1224
Gate S: @anthonyphilemon - DLVA981
Gate O: @LennyD - DLVA1804
Gate P: @Pranay - DLVA111
Gate L: @Omar_DeWindt - DLVA7421
Gate B: @anon2063420 - DLVA67
Gate D: @kyle.r24 - DLVA653
Gate J: @Ozzy - DLVA136
Gate F: @AsorbMC - DLVA886

Terminal 4:
Gate B20: @antoineafr - AFKLM116
Gate B22: @kznawsm -DLVA328
Gate B24: @Leonard_Paulson - DLVA702
Gate B25: @Game_player
Gate B26: @anon36731834 - AF/KLM227
Gate B27: @metro - DLVA1304
Gate B28: @AmarKler - AFKLM218
Gate B29: @UpgradeMe - DLVA87
Gate B30: @gsbharaj
Gate B31: @Sherbert342 - DLVA342
Gate B32: @Steven_Citrin - DLVA8493
Gate B33: @Hockeyman_02 - DLVA114
Gate B34: @PlaneCrazy - Delta 202
Gate B35: @Captain-Daniel - AFKLM109
Gate B36:
Gate B37:
Gate B38:
Gate B39:
Gate B41:
Gate A2:
Gate A3:
Gate A4:
Gate A5:
Gate A6:
Gate A7:


Rodger Dodger chief. Hopefully I’ll be there, although I may not be there. I’ll let you guys know if I am not able to make it.

take my name off, I’ll be at work

Can I have b36 plz or any b gate that hasn’t been taken

Gate B36 please

I am sorry, but i will not be able to attend today, as I have too much going on today and cannot attend. I hope you guys understand.

As soon as you see the title, the first thing that will come to mind is “Hmm, what is Short Haul Sundays?” Well, Short Haul Sundays is one of the finest event series out there, with a unique concept flying unique routes! These events are ones you would not want to miss as they feature the best of the best when it comes to Delta’s short-haul routes. This series features some of Delta’s codeshares, some of our ‘Decades’ routes, and some overall fun routes to fly! So join Delta Virtual as we embark on this completely new journey as we soar to the beautiful skies and seas of the Bahamas. Departing from ‘The Big Apple,’ ‘The City that Never Sleeps,’ New York City, and ending up down at the home of Atlantis, this event is one you’d really want to attend. So sign up while you can! Hope you guys enjoy this!

Server: Expert

Date: 4-22-18

Departure Time: 1800Z

Expected Flight Time - 2 hours 41 minutes

Arrival Time: 2045Z

Cruise Altitude: FL360, 36,000ft

How it’s done - Climb
Keep N1% under 100% the entire climb. Do NOT use autothrottle to increase speed.

200KIAS to FL040@2500FPM,
240KIAS to FL100@2500FPM,
290KIAS to FL200@2500FPM,
290KIAS to FL280@1800FPM,
M.80 to FL360@1000FPM

How it’s done - Descent
130nm out(15-17min out)
M.80 @ -2000FPM to FL200,
280KIAS @ -1800FPM to FL110,
240KIAS @ -1500FPM to 3000ftMSL

Maintain at least 200KIAS til on short final(5nm from threshold), so we don’t have a traffic jam coming in.

Departure Airport: (John F. Kennedy International Airport) / (KJFK)
Arrival Airport: (Lynden Pindling International Airport) / (MYNN)

Aircraft: (Airbus A319) (Delta Livery)

Flight Plan:

Fuel: 10,234kg // 22,562lb

Passengers: 7,237kg // 15,955lb (94 souls)
Cargo: 3,201kg. // 7,057lb

KJFK-MYNN // M.80 at cruise alt. // expect possible minor turbulence // FPL made by @Michael_McMurray (DLVA1185) and is to be copied at KJFK after spawning in //

Maintain a minimum of 10nm horizontal spacing, especially on approach. Anyone following to closely to pilot in front to cause traffic issues and/or not following ATC instructions will be barred from future DLVA events.
For more information check below ⬇

KJFK Charts: -
MYNN Charts: -

Request a spot to be added to the list! // Pushback order from top to bottom on gate list

Terminal 2:
Gate C70: @Michael_McMurray- DLVA1185
Gate C69: @Twocflyer- DLVA1406
Gate C68: @TheDeltaFlyerr - DLVA435
Gate C67: @Bigballin2u - DLVA0824
Gate C63: @Naterrizer DLVA 885
Gate C62: @Transport_Hub - DLVA0295
Gate C61: @Jmacd20 - DLVA1224
Gate S: @anthonyphilemon - DLVA981
Gate O: @LennyD - DLVA1804
Gate P: @Pranay - DLVA111
Gate L: @Omar_DeWindt - DLVA7421
Gate B: @anon2063420 - DLVA67
Gate D: @kyle.r24 - DLVA653
Gate J: @Ozzy - DLVA136
Gate F: @AsorbMC - DLVA886

Terminal 4:
Gate B20: @antoineafr - AFKLM116
Gate B22: @kznawsm -DLVA328
Gate B24: @Leonard_Paulson - DLVA702
Gate B25: @Game_player
Gate B26: @anon36731834 - AF/KLM227
Gate B27: @metro - DLVA1304
Gate B28: @AmarKler - AFKLM218
Gate B29: @UpgradeMe - DLVA87
Gate B30: @gsbharaj
Gate B31: @Sherbert342 - DLVA342
Gate B32: @Steven_Citrin - DLVA8493
Gate B33: @Hockeyman_02 - DLVA114
Gate B34: @PlaneCrazy - Delta 202
Gate B35: @Captain-Daniel - AFKLM109
Gate B36: @Cjthew91
Gate B37: @badzer
Gate B38:
Gate B39:
Gate B41:
Gate A2:
Gate A3:
Gate A4:
Gate A5:
Gate A6:
Gate A7:

(More spots will be open if need be)

imageWho are We?
Delta Virtual
What we’re using:
KJFK Charts:
MYNN Charts:
Delta Virtual:


All Participants: Be sure to reread post as I have changed ascent and descent instructions.

@Cjthew91 B36 is yours.
@Naterrizer I gave you my original gate since I moved. Your gate is C63.

Can I get a gate and a callsign? Anything would be fine by me :)

Gate B37. Use Delta ### please. See ya there!

Would it be possible for me to fly the a321 or the a320 cuz I’d prefer that??

Actually can I fly the 737 cuz that’s what plans they use in real life

Awesome, I’ll use Delta 431

@Michael_McMurray did I just catch you doing a warm-up flight above Florida ;)


Can I use any plane?
I’ll see if I can make it…

Delta A319 only this go around, sorry.

Coming bit late, ill land around 10 mins after you guys