DCA arrivals on Runway 22

Hello everyone! :D

I was using Google Earth earlier today, looking at old aerials of airports to see how they’ve changed over time. I went to the National Airport and saw something intriguing.

In this aerial from 1999, one can clearly see (albeit faintly) skid marks on the touchdown zone of Runway 22. I thought this was interesting since landings on this runway seem to never occur at DCA. So, I went through other clear images and found this:

From 2006, again, you can see black skid marks on the touchdown zone.

Try as I might, I’ve yet to find an account from anyone on a flight that used this runway to land (or at all). I have read, however, that every now and then, you could see 727s and planes of the like landing on runway 4 in the 80s and 90s. Given the fact that this has happened, I think it’s possible airliners (or at least smaller aircraft) have used runway 22 for arrivals. Therefore, I’m deciding to put out a plea for anyone who might have knowledge of planes using this runway for arrivals, if there are any records of this happening, the frequency of it happening, stuff like that. Was it used only in certain weather conditions? Were only light aircraft allowed to land? I understand a straight-in approach to the runways goes over downtown D.C. so pilots would probably follow the Anacostia River on the way in. Any and all information will be happily accepted!


From what i read (on threads), a former pilot stated that in the late 90s, they used rwy 04-22 for commercial props