Ok sure! You’re on!
Ping list:
YMML is closed now! Have a good day!
Have a good one man! Thanks for your service, looking forward to be there again
Flight Alert!
Aircraft: TNT 777F
Est flight time: 8:15 hours
Departure time: 2025-02-07T23:00:00Z
Est arrival time: 2025-02-08T07:15:00Z
Call sign: any
Flight plan: Copy mine
Gate(s): FedEx Cargo Apron 02/03/04, UPS cargo apron 01/09
Cruising alt: FL330, FL350
Cruising speed: M 0.82
Ping list:
Status: Landed
@Cwaker where are you in KMIA
At the north west stands
Near 8L at those stands
I see you @Riley_Dupont!
@Cwaker I do see you too
Is it okay if I push the pushback time to 2025-02-07T23:15:00Z?
yes you can move it to that time
Thanks man!
Sorry sir I can’t join today :(
Ok, it’s fine :), or you could use flight resume
Also I’m pushing Back now
@Cwaker just departed Late
Yup, I see now
I’ll slow down so you can catch up
my game crashed