Custom-ish DC-10 engine sounds

Not really much to say about it. The idea is to slightly modify the “737” sounds to better fit the DC-10, particularly in low throttle. As it turns out, once you apply sufficient throttle on aircraft with the “737” soundpack, there is a point (around 40% throttle on most aircraft and around 35% throttle on the DC-10s and MD-11s) in which the sound produced in game resembles a lot what a real DC-10-30 sounds like at idle, particularly on the exterior views. Thus, my suggestion is that the sound at that particular throttle area become the idle sounds for the DC-10, with them gradually increasing until max throttle, which should remain as is or suffer very little modification.

I made a quick video showing off what these revamped sounds should look like, as well as comparing it with a real DC-10-30:

Interesting! This is a good idea and I never noticed the resemblance. Voted!

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