Controllers Need To Be More Aggressive With Issuing Some Violations

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I am fuming. I had been on approach to Auckland for about 40 minutes. The airspace was busy, and we were all being made to circle around. So many flights from Santiago were landing.

When it was finally my turn to land, after more than 40 minutes of circling, some guy that was asked to HOLD SHORT of the active runway decided to enter the runway just as I was about 200 feet away. Of course I was asked to go around and join the approach queue again.

I checked to see if the controller gave him a violation, but they didn’t. They instead asked him to “Please check the user guide for help using ATC instructions.” After that, he was cleared to takeoff and be on his way.

How is that even acceptable? That guy should have been given a violation and sent off the expert server. Why should I have to restart my approach and the guy who caused it gets a free pass?

I quit the game in annoyance and didn’t land.


I’m so sorry that you faced this situation. A violation is the last resort to which we issue a violation. We sometimes tend to be lelient towards pilots.


Sorry to hear that you had bad experience in Expert Server. According to IFATC standards, Entering a Runway without permission resulting in potential loss of separation should result in an immediate violation and no warning needed in this situation.


I think the same! It should be much more demanding

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