Contact centre

Hi guys on my flight from Toronto to Lax on the challenger 350 contacting centre on approach on the LAX frequency the Socal approach was telling me to contact them as well when I was on the LA frequency Do I just stay in the LAX centre frequency or? Thanks!

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Hey, so generally, the approach has jurisdiction of Approach is 50nm (nautical miles) and 18000 AAL (above aerodrome level) , And on the Expert Server, controllers should never on guard you if you are tuned in to a frequency already. Im assuming this is the Training server, so there isn’t many regulations on the quality of the ATC. So, if you were below 18000 feet and less then 50nm away, you should contact the approach, if not, stay on center. Hope this helps!

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Helps alot and yes it was training server thank you very much!

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No problem, always here to help.