Its been over a year since I’ve played this game so I’ve forgotten a few things. I’m really excited about the A380 and wanted to fly it to KSAN in the expert server, but I can’t remember what would the consequenses would be for that. I’m fully aware it can’t really fit anywhere but I figure it isn’t such a huge deal because there is usually nobody there and its my home airport and I’d love to see it anyways. I have full confidence in handling it there, as it isn’t totally impossible.
I don’t really think there may be a consequence but I believe KSAN does not have gates that are entirely suitable for it. You may be able to fit it somewhere however.
Level 2 violation and Disconnect from the server
Thats what I thought… Thanks!
Hey there! I’d recommend going over the Pilot Rulebook for the Expert Server. All of the requirements expected of pilots are listed there:
There isn’t a rule regarding an aircraft not being allowed at any one airport. If there is a space large enough at the airport in question, then you’re totally good! You can tell if an aircraft can park by selecting the plane and then going to the airport in the map. Parking space availability will be marked white vs. red.
Thanks to you too also. I definitely need to freshen up on everything before flying again.
No worries! Most of the rules apply whenever there is an IFATC member controlling the airport in question. If there isn’t an IFATC member active at your airport, then I wouldn’t worry too much.
Hold on so if there is an IFATC member, I get a L2 vio and disconnected? But so long as there isn’t one I can make the plane fit as nicely as I can?
Again, I will say that you should read the handbook. It’s pretty clear on what is and isn’t allowed.
The reason I mentioned IFATC members is because they are the only ones empowered to give violations.
If you approached KSAN in an A380 we would simply tell you to divert. We wouldn’t let you land there as there are no A380 gates.
Yeah if there was ATC I’d have no issue diverting. I get it, I’d even do it if there were too many people at the airport because I know its really too big.
If there’s no ATC we can’t really do anything about it - but it isn’t a bad idea to check your destination airport on the spawn in map to make sure there are gates you can use when you arrive :)
I don’t think there are any consequences for flying an A380 in to an airport it cant fit
Except portland
I see what you did there
What did I do?
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