is there anyway to connect analog yokes to infinite flight? Sorry if this is the wrong topic, thanks
Hello! I know @pencil_GOD has something where he built an encasing inside of a yoke to hold his iPad, you can probably do something similar. Maybe some cardboard and attach it in front of the yoke? I’ll try to find a picture for you for an example.
Thanks but I actually meant that my iPad would stand on the table and analogue inputs from the yoke would translate into digital ones but I guess that works too
Oh, mb. I don’t think there is any way, but. If it was powered you obv could.
I done some research and dismantling my Logitech yoke and attaching the old yoke could work
Oh yeah if you already have one then you can probably just connect
No idea how people with full flight simulators connect their yokes to the pc (on a control column)
But I don’t really want to dismantle it. When something goes wrong I have no yoke anymore
Extension wires