[CONCLUDED - SEE YOU NEXT YEAR] Arrive into 2025 Spotting Competition

Hello Community!

Welcome, welcome! This is the sixth installment of my annual beginning-of-the-year spotting competition. This year, we’ve seen so many community spotters on the come up with new gear and new techniques, so I have no doubt this will be the most exciting competition yet!

To get everyone up to speed, below is a table of our past podium finishers.

As of today, no spotter has ever won twice and no spotter has ever received more than two podium positions. Will this year change that? let’s find out.

Full Ruleset

Basic Rules:

  • Double elimination style (two losses and you’re out).
  • Please only enter if you are actually going to stay active during the whole competition. I’m not chasing people around for photos.
  • 32 slots initially, expandable on high demand (usually happens).
  • Photographer names will be kept private (for the most part), but votes will be public and shown on close.
  • Final placements will be determined through the following schema:
    • Each set of spotters that gets eliminated together will be placed in a group.
    • You will receive an order within that group based on your total percentage of votes.
    • Rounds survived overrides percentage, for example if you have 210% total of votes but get eliminated after someone with 260%, you will still score above them.
  • In the case of an odd number, there will be one group of 3. Only the person who gets last amongst the 3 will receive the loss.
  • Matchups will be determined by a randomizer wheel.

Photo Rules:

  • There will be no category/plane restrictions for any rounds.
  • Must be your own photos.
  • Do not watermark your photos.
  • Must show enough “plane” motive and be real. Basically, if nothing is photoshopped in and the plane takes up a decent part of the frame, it is probably fine. If you have a shot that’s borderline submit it and I will decide.
  • You are allowed to swap photos up until an hour before the deadline for each round.
  • I reserve the right to deny any photo.

New Rules:

  • This year, if your opponent doesn’t submit their photo by the hard deadline, you will be given two choices. You can:
    • Take the win and 50% (and the other person will receive a loss and 0%)
    • Extend their submission time by up to 12 hours and have the round anyways, the results are binding.
  • Once the decision is taken it cannot be changed. If the other person does not submit by 12 hours you will receive the win and 50%.

How to Enter

  • Please send me a separate PM with your photo. If you cannot initiate a PM due to trust level, drop a reply and I will message you first. You are not entered until I receive your photo. I will not be reserving slots for people.

  • When you submit, please include your username in the PM title so I can better keep track of people. Use the same PM to submit future photos.

  • Entrees ARE NOW CLOSED

  • If you prefer, you can also send multiple photos and I will simply use them in order so I don’t have to bother you every round.

Have Fun!

Here is a running list of all participating photographers.


@AviatorGriffYT summon I think you were asking me about this

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Spotting Competition is back, let’s go!

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Looks interesting! Might just observe this one though and gain some tips ;)

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ENTRY 1: @Butter575

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ENTRY 3: @Altaria55



if you don’t I will make sure you face Moritz round 1 (jk)


ENTRY 5: @callaa

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ENTRY 6: @Kamryn


Please help me protect my dog


Of course I’m entering this one, choosing a pic

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I can join, i am a planespotter for one year now so dont expect too much!

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ENTRY 8: @Yukiros_31

ENTRY 9: @AviationFreak

Just send me a DM with your stuff and don’t forget to put your username in the title! We have a lot of first-year spotters who have done very well (one almost won last year) so don’t worry!

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Can I join?

ENTRY 10: @Dub_aviation

yep, just shoot me a DM with a photo and put your name in the title

ENTRY 11: @Alaska170

I would be signed up by now, if only this highway had good service 🫠

Good luck everyone! I can’t wait.