Ok, that’s the orange one, correct?
Yes sir 🙏🙏🙏
Got it. Thanks!
Can I get tie down 105 with a 747-8F in the blue Boeing house livery. :)
Can I do 747-8 Boeing
@United_8275_heavy you have been added! Thanks for joining the event!
@KSATplane_spotter your aircraft has been changed as requested. Thanks!
Anytime to fly the big girl is always in fashion. I’ll be there!
May I catch TD-201?
Thanks @Heavy_Lifter! What variant and livery would you like?
I may run the Old Northwest -200, or my old gal-pal the Pan Am Clipper!
Great choice! Recently I did a flight on the Pan Am 747-200 from Frankfurt to Boston for a Screenshots and Videos topic. I hope to see the 747 reworked someday!
Wouldn’t that be grand? The big lady needs it desperately!
Only 1 Hour Until The Event!!
@KSATplane_spotter @Poxy @Destructo11 @Heavy_Lifter @United_8275_heavy @Lufthansa1 and all interested pilots plan to join in at 1145EST
I have a nice FPL that takes an eastern track & then turning south southeast into KCHS VIA 15. When we spawn I’ll load it!
Awesome! If you want feel free to post it on this thread.
We’ll see if the winds change for a RWY 15 landing. If not we can come in on 33.
Sounds good! Looks like it’s 260 at 18 knots so that will be quite the crosswind challenge.