Thank you so much for sharing this valuable topic. It’s incredibly helpful and informative, and I truly appreciate the insights you’ve provided! This topic definitely deserves to be pinned.
Wow just wow!
Excellent work mate! This is so informative!
I wish I wasn’t out of likes! Great topic Jinco, this will be really helpful to a lot of people.
Super useful and well put together!
Should be bookmarked by all new to the Expert Server (and by others not so new, as well as a refresher guide).
As always, you are Awesome!! Jjinco Luv!
Thank you for covering a topic that both pilots and controllers would love! 😄
Good stuff. Especially the speed comment. Some people choose their speeds like they’re the only person in the airspace.
Incredible topic! Super informative and incredibly useful for everyone, it’s always great to see such dedication and effort poured into these how to fly-related topics!
@Jinco This was a fantastic read and comprehensively covers all the common mistakes really really well. Thanks for your dedication! :)
Really great job @Jinco 👏, excellent work!
Amazing Topic Jinco. Great Work!
comprehensive guide! I’ll bookmark this topic to refer pilots. Thanks Jinco!
Recommend including the “inappropriate callsign” thing here for further consideration. It’s essential to ensure this aspect is addressed thoroughly to avoid future misunderstandings or disputes regarding its enforcement.
Super educational and highly detailed, great topic! Hope this reaches as many people as possible and hope the IF team uses this as a sort of guidebook “How to use ATC properly in IF”
Great job! I’d also link this article that talks about the difference between VFR and IFR. But spoiler alert, if you’re flying an airliner route there’s a almost 100% chance you should be flying IFR.
This was awesome to read! I just got onto the expert server today and still learning ATC a little and this just made it 10 times easier and very understanding!!
Beautiful tips that I never had clue to. Thanks a lot for sharing. Today I’m a better pilot than I was . I’m so glad.
Great educational topic there @Jinco! This will help lots! :) 😄
Just giving this a “bump”…
The amount of pilots who stop before the Hold Short line before contacting ground is getting ridiculous. We cannot allow an aircraft to land or TO… if you cause a GA as a result, you are likely to get a report!!!
Rant over 😂😂😂.