City Lights

Really? I think it would look nearly as good with no 3D buildings. All the scenery needs is a light up. Anyway we have along way to go to run 3D buildings and city lights


Voting for this, I would love flying at night with this feature added, adds to realism of IF.

3D buildings would take up too much scenery data and slow down our devices, however city lights would not, simply having an ambient glow wouldn’t affect game performance as much as people think.

Technically the map editors could achieve this since they have access to update the map with lights for the airports. Just have stationary glow around major cities…


This would be an absolutely smashing feature which will bring IF to the next level.

I alwase see this doing night flights. The different city’s I fly to, I see these amazing night lights.


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A taste of what it could look like:

(Pictures from an undisclosed pinterest user)


Man! Just used up my last vote for this! This is a definent yes.

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This in combination with taxiway and approach lights would be the ultimate combination for night flights.

This is something I’ve always wanted in infinite flight just because night flying would be so cool and nighttime approaches into huge cities and you would never see the same two lights this would just be amazing you got my vote

This would definitely be cool, although I can see my iPad Air shutting down and giving up any hope of keeping up my frame rate. But I would definitely enjoy this on night flights!

Probably a lot of work for the devs to implement and for the devices to handle depending on how it’s done, but I’d love to see it in IF.

It will be a great feature if it comes! You got my vote. I think the right solution for this is to use a night time satellite imagery because it is impossible to add light per light on the ground.


That’s a nice idea actually Scotty. Merge the two together, as the sun rises and sets you fade from one to the other, kind of.

Great idea @scotty! This would be so cool, but, how easy would it be for the Devs to get hold of those satellite night images? Are they available for developers do you think?

I have no idea. But let’s hope…

I love this idea! It`s gonna bring life in the cities!


I think the city lights would be a game-changer! Has anyone heard from the dev’s on this subject?

@Matted_Ball, the devs don’t have any plans to implement this as of right now. They are working on the TBM and 737 rework/split scimitars. I really hope to see this in the near future but the “weight” it takes to implement this is big (storage, RAM, graphics, etc)

KSJC would look fabulous at night with city-lights when on departure on final!


Man, just imagine how cool it would be to fly I’ve rthe world and see the beautiful orange and yellow/white lights!


I would vote if I had remaining votes D:

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This would make approaches into airports like KSJC so much better and prettier at night :D :O


That will be so Amazing!!