Hi, at the moment if I get the state is_on_ground its only true if any amount of gear is down, therefore it says true if im just down on one wheel or all wheels down. For something im working on I ideally want to check when all gear are down, is this possible?
This is a stretch but you could check the angles of the aircraft on its axis. For example it may be banking slightly to the right on one wheel or visa versa.
Since airports are flat the angle between the xyz axis and the aircraft should be close to 0 or whatever value makes sense.
Hmm, I didn’t think of this but if I did I wouldn’t have done it because I would have thought that some runways are at an angle.
I guess I will give it a go, the reason for this is because I’m playing around with adding some V1 rotate and v2 functionality just to see how it goes, and I’m also working out the fpm of a landing. So if you touch down it says your fpm then it looks out for the accelerating of the aircraft for v speeds. But if the wheels touch then you bounce it think you have just taken off again. So I’ll give your idea a shot and see how it goes