I have recently accepted a position as a sales person for a charter company. I was with Cargolux until December when some stuff went down there and I filed a harassment report was placed in and it was best I left. So that being said here are some really cool photos of our company aircraft doing cool stuff with joint militarizes.
Ever wonder what happens when you want a free airshow? The Russians and Americans show up!
Thanks it sucked that Stuff went down And one Person ruined the entire experience
This new one is so far better little 135 Business jet outfit a lot of cool charter work like this!
SU35s are some insane engineering but gosh they are ugly, thought those were soviet era jets for a sec. That F22 with the mountains in the back looks so similar to IF when I fly that beast around AK. Those views must be breathtaking in person seeing all that action- lucky you.