Charles_Wormley’s ATC Tracking Thread - [CLOSED] @N/A

Hello, we will only be accepting aircraft in the pattern. Come fly!

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It’s fantastic to see that you’re looking to get into the ATC side of things and practicing to become an IFATC controller on the Expert Server.

I would strongly recommend creating an ATC Tracking Thread following the tutorial linked below as an ATC Tracking Thread allows you to keep all your feedback and details of when you open in one place, rather than creating multiple topics for each different session.

I look forward to seeing you apart of the IFATC team in the near future.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care!

  • What Airport
  • KEWR
  • KJFK
  • EDDT
  • EDDL
  • EDDF
  • EGLL
0 voters

What Airport next?

@Nickolas_Ridgeway Wanna fly and practice? Airport open at 2024-04-13T02:00:00Z

Sure it’s an hour before my practical bit I’ll hop on

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I chose EDDL, because I think the airport is quite quiet, so you can focus on managing traffic patterns😉

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@TuuAvvgekk @Nickolas_Ridgeway We will be at KEWR, 22’s

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How long till open gotta do some practice for my practical soon

Doing some practice at know for a bit will join you later

i gotta cancel

All good hope the best for ya

lmk how your practical goes

Think I failed but just a waiting game rn

sorry to hear that… if you want tower for the start, i’ll take the second half

I PASSED!!! I can’t believe it!!!



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