Chaos at Auckland!

Yesterday I decided to do a short hop between Auckland and Wellington for my 2nd flight on New Zealand Virtual. Turns out that my ‘short hop’ would become more like a session of chaos that would have me on the ground for 1 hour…

Boring Stuff

Duration: 1:52
Raw flight time: 46minutes
Aircraft: Air New Zealand A320-200

Ok so this first pic was at the time of my flight, which was at 8:40pm local time

So I’ve decided that it is a bit hard to see at nighttime so for the rest of the photos I will change the time to daytime.
This is almost the same photo from earlier

I know that this isn’t in time order but… who cares? This is me and some other planes at the gate at Auckland

And in that 2nd photo there were so many planes that my phone doesn’t even render them (like 4 planes didnt render). So here’s the view from the very, very back (keep in mind the front 4 planes didn’t render in this pic)

Ok, now to finish us off, here’s my landing at Wellington with a Fiji A330-300 probably watching me land

And thats all! Hope you enjoyed!


Can’t wait for all of the lighting systems in the game to get updated. It’s probably the biggest thing that needs one right now


Yeah, i agree

Captan nice photos

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Thanks Kaptan!

Nice pictures looks so realistic

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Thanks!! Very much appreciated!

NZAA is in desperate need of a 3D rework 🙏🙏

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Haha, yeah!