Changing the left and right wing preset cam sound

Hey IFC,

I know some of you are using the interior drone cams, to put it just in the right position for a good wing view. I’m doing this as well, but only for one reason: I don’t like, that the preset wing views have the outside sound. Can’t this be changed to Onboard sound? I mean, it makes kinda more sense there, cause they are meant to be like passenger views, right?

So, we can set our interior cams to some other places than already existing ones, like cockpit nose view, if the aircraft doesn’t have this already, or like Captain and FO shoulder view for pushback (my favorite).

Shouldn’t be this much work to simply change the assigned sound. I would really like it a lot.

Don’t know how the IFC sees it. Could be even fixed with a future minor patch or so.

I don’t see it as a feature, so I post it in general.

Greetings from Germany.

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I see the default left and right wing views as being “imaginary” cameras on the outside of the plane.

That’s just my take anyway.

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I know what you mean. If you look around on this specific cams, they are positioned on the outside, so yes, the outside sound may be correct. But I believe the most users see them as passenger views. And for me it might be a bit better, if I just wanna check the wing view, it always scares me as hell cause the outside sound is so much louder than the inside sound.

It’s just an idea, not a big deal. Just would like it and wanted to know how the IFC thinks about it. :-)

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As an alternative, and albeit a minor hassle, you can move the internal drone cam to a window view. You can move it to the same position as the wing camera and you’ll have internal/onboard sounds.

@bensonb That’s what he’s saying he doesn’t want to do, because he wants to use the interior drones for other uses.

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