Central Floridian Airport Screenshot Competition (ROUND 2 VOTING WINDOW)

Central Floridian Airport Screenshot Competition '25

Greetings! Hello! Welcome to the Central Floridian Airport Screenshot Competition of 2025! I am your host, yours truly, @Waxyscorpion308. I am excited to be here today and lead what I hope to be quite a successful event!

Rules of the game:

There are only a few rules to ensure that the playing field is even for all of our players! If they are adhered to, then everybody is able to play and everything is fair!

  • the games will start once 20 people have registered (if it fills up too fast we will increase the capacity)
  • a new round will start every 3 days, and times will be on the EST time zone
  • entries must change for each round (the same picture cannot be used twice)
  • submissions must include some sort of aspect of the airport (ATC tower, entire airfield, etc)
  • each entry must be original and not copied
  • no heavy editing/photoshopping
  • submissions are to be PMed to me before their deadline

The airports that can be included are:

  • KTPA (Tampa International)
  • KMCO (Orlando International)
  • KDAB (Daytona Beach)

These are the only 3D airports in Central Florida as of right now, and they don’t get as much love and attention as they should. That’s why I’m hosting this event!

Participants list:

Everybody that signed up will go into this chart:

Closing thoughts:

This is the first screenshot event I’m hosting, so it would be awesome if you guys joined! I cannot wait to see some awesome submissions from you guys, and look forward to seeing how creative they are! Let’s give these Floridian airports some attention, and good luck to all participants!

Thank you!



Sign me up

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Ofc! Thanks for joining, and you’re officially the first person to join one of my screenshot competitions ever! Good luck to you!

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Thank you!

And btw I’ll do KDAB and KTPA and then KMCO so you’ll have to wait 😈😈😈😈

That’s your loss, not mine lol

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Count me in!

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I’ve got you down, thanks for joining!

Of course! KDAB may be my home airport in the not-too-distant future so I’m more than happy to show it some love 😁

Only Daytona falls into that category, everybody loves Tampa and Orlando (especially MCO)

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In comparison to Miami though, Orlando gets next to no traffic (even though it has more passenger traffic per year than Miami)

I always find that fact so strange. Do people go to Disney that much? I mean that’s really the biggest thing to do in Orlando 😭

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I guess so. I genuinely don’t understand why we don’t have more international traffic than we currently do (I mean, I kinda understand why - we have a lot of gates for medium-sized aircraft, and not many large and extra large gates). Hopefully once the rest of Terminal C is finished with construction there will be some more large aircraft.

Also considering the fact that MCO isn’t even a hub but yet MIA is, yeah that statistic is crazy

Just goes to show how big tourism travel is. Cancún takes up 35% of all traffic at Mexican airports and is the single busiest airport in Latin America (busier than Mexico City, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Havana…)


  • Disney World
  • water parks
  • Universal
  • access to the space coast/Kennedy Space Center
  • wide variety of South American tourism and migrants
  • I-Drive
  • access to lots of beaches
  • NFL Pro Bowl
  • world’s largest McDonald’s
  • historic Winter Park
  • Steph Curry’s mom’s house
  • me 😎
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Also that one place that’s like a chocolate museum

MCO is a focus city/base for every low cost airline in the US but yeah, none of them compare to AAs MIA operations

Sign me up also does Sarasota count or even Lakeland?

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3D only, they are still 2D

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Ah man, thanks!