CaptSairol ATC Tracking Thread - [PASSED]

Closed now, thanks for those that are coming appreciate it

I think it would be helpful to tag the ping list as well when you opened, so everyone on it gets notified properly. :)

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Thanks for the advice @Daeng-E i will improve and do it next time

Good days to all IF pilot. im opening right now.

Time and date will be :

2024-10-19T13:00:00Z until 2024-10-19T13:30:00Z

Airport : LFBO
Status : OPEN
Server : Training
Departure/Arrival : 32L & 32R



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closed now. thanks @Ka77a51umAviation for coming

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Yeah so there was a few problems that needs some touching up from my pov

  1. You should’ve cleared me straight for departure since the other aircraft was aleady cleared of all runways and there was no conflict.
  2. Since i requested a ‘remaining in the pattern’, you should give me a ‘make left/right traffic’.
  3. After being airborne, you gave me a ‘cleared for the option’ but still no make left or right traffic.
  4. I requested runway change and I should’ve gotten a ‘cleared for the option’ rightaway since I was number 1. But instead you gave me an extend downwind. Which would’ve made sense after I was cleared for the option.
  5. After clearing me for 14L I still didn’t recieve a ‘make left/right traffic’ call.
  6. I then requested a runway change back to 14R, in which you gave me an unnecessary enter left base (could’ve cleared me straight for the option).
  7. After I got a departure to the south approved, you should’ve let me change frequency right after.

Overall, not bad! better than my first training seshs lol.

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Sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I’ll still be stuck in traffic at that time.

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Thanks for the feedbacks @Ka77a51umAviation

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Its okay @Daeng-E 👌🏻

Good days to all IF pilot. i will be opening later on :

Time and date will be :

2024-10-20T13:00:00Z until 2024-10-20T13:30:00Z

Airport : TBA
Status : CLOSED
Server : Training
Departure/Arrival : TBA



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Sorry but I won’t be able to attend sadly. :(

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Aiyoooo soo unlucky 😕 @SamB777

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Hello guys. Training cancel today due to unforeseen circumstances 🙏🏻

Good days to all IF pilot. i will be opening soon :


Airport : OMDB
Status : OPEN
Server : Training
Frequency : Ground & Tower
Departure : 12L and 12R
Arrival : 12L and 12R



Why can’t I see my name on this list? 👀

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Sorry my subs expired

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Oppps im sorry @J-F_V i forgot to put you name

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Won’t be able tonight but surely I’ll fly for you soon

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Aiyooo soo unlucky 😕

Appreciate it @J-F_V 🥰

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