CaptainOmer's ATC Tracking Thread - [CLOSED] @ MMMX

Hi, I’m Omer, I want to attend IFATC but I need your help to identify my mistakes. I would appreciate it if you could show me my mistakes. Thank you.
Server: Training

Control: Ground and Tower MMMX


Ping List:


Imma ping gang!

Add me to the ping list!

Add me please! :)

Ping me when you open!

Thanks, @Ajaxibrahim I added you

I appeared in OMAA 2 months ago, now it’s nice to see that you are ATC, Jeppy, I added you too

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Thanks, @whyevenbothernaming I added you

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Thanks, @aatogamer I added you

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Oh, cool. Yeah probably that very first session when I was super nervous! I’ll definitely come into one of yours if I can. Hopefully time permits.

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I’ll be there

Thanks for participating, don’t hesitate to report if I have a mistake, would you like to be on the ping list?

I was on duty at ATC for exactly 1 hour and 10 minutes, thanks to everyone who participated, ATC is closed.

I’m open on OMAA for 1 hours

Hii, I don’t see you here. Sorry I miseed you.

I’ve been open for 1 hour, how can this be?

You said LFBO in your original post even though you’re at OMAA

I’m open on OMAA for 1 hours

Feedback from: General 575


  • Taxi to runway: ✅

  • Taxi to parking: ✅


  • Takeoff / make ___ traffic: 🟧

  • Cleared for the option: 🟧

  • Sequencing: N/A

  • Exit runway: ✅

Other Feedback:

  • The line up and wait command was not necessary since I was the only aircraft using that runway
  • When an aircraft requests a departure with “remaining in the pattern” you must give them a traffic direction (make left/right traffic)
  • When an aircraft intends to do pattern work, it’s best to give them a “cleared for the option” and is best to do that when the aircraft is on crosswind or early downwind


Takeoff clearance was given without pattern instructions. Should be make left traffic (since I’m on 31L)

Runway change:

No pattern entry, straight to clearance + left traffic on 31R.

Should be Enter right downwind Runway 31R (pattern entry, since I’m on the upwind), sequence if needed, before a clearance + a traffic instruction (Make right traffic in this case).

It was also a bit of an upwind conflict, in which case you can tell me to extend upwind and let the potential conflict pass before getting me to enter right downwind.

It’s more efficient and less confusing if traffic on 31R makes right traffic and traffic on the left will make left traffic.

Also, unsure if you’re on the unofficial mentoring hub on Discord. Let me know if you’ll be interested in that.