Today I am looking for your help about an issue. Since last week (Saturday to be precise) I can’t hear ATC or Unicom or other pilots voices (this also happens when controlling and on all Servers.) However the really strange thing is, sometimes I hear the commands for a specific callsign. For example I was flying at UEEE yesterday. Again I couldn’t hear my own requests and I couldn’t hear ATC or other pilots requests as well. But suddenly I could hear “Holding position, Aeroflot 420”, then “Pushback approved, Aeroflot 420” and finally “taxiing to runway 05R, Aeroflot 420”. The same thing happened at UHHH. I could only hear what a Ukraine International Callsign was saying (can’t remember the exact callsign.) I have deleted amd reinstalled IF and restarted my device, which is a Huawei P20 lite running on Android Version 9.
G’day @Aviation-21
Do you own an adriod or ios device?
Just to make sure your silent mode is off. Also go into your IF settings, select Audio and make sure they’re both at an appropriate sound level. Make sure you’ve updated your device to the latest version of software and Infinite Flight. If the problem keeps persisting I’d advice the old shut down and switch it back on. This could also be because you have a certain voice installed.
Hope this helps,
Maybe this is because you have a certain voice installed?
Go to your devices settings then Accessibility → Voice Over → Speech. Make sure you have all of the voices downloaded and once you’ve done that go ahead and reboot Infinite Flight.
I don’t think that is the case because he can only hear one person speaking, if he only had a certain voice installed then he’d be able to hear everyone but everyone would have the same voice
Hello @anon24319801@Luke_L@xsrvmy
Thanks for your responses however I don’t think the voices are the problem as I’ve been using the same voice since I started playing IF and the problem suddenly started last weekend. My device and Android version are stated in the post and I habe already shut down and restarted my device. The ATC volume and other volume (forgot the name lol) are turned up and the mobile sounds as well (engine sounds etc work perfectly fine).
Thanks anyways