Hey guys, I just wondered if i could flag someones profile for reasons such as immaturity, profane
Ahahaha so funny i forgot to laugh
Or yours. You got a lot of flags recently.
LOL. Not the flags you mentioned, but cool collection.
Yep you can flag someone’s profile! I just flagged nick’s!
Nick is going to have a nice flag collection for his ban Island paradise ;)
I joined the community yesterday yes! And you are not being very welcoming! I have played infinite flight for almost 2 years though!
So even a person that joined yesterday knows more about the site than you?
Dont listen to the kid. Dont ever try to argue with an 8 year old
Just dont even try to argue. He just wants attention cause he dasnt get enough from his parents
@Blackbird71 Hey Buddy as a member of IFEP i would like you not to part take in this kids immature actions, his just needs attention and please dont give it to him. Maintain your cool because what you say and do reflect on the crew and most importantly you.
Action have been taken.
Please do not feed the trolls. This forum is not an ego competition. If a post seems rude simply do not reply to it and ignore (you can flag it). Trolls will go away when they see their actions have no effect.
That’s quite enough of this behavior.
Oops. Didn’t see you there Philippe.