Can ATC please not interfere with other frequency's work?

Most problems occur in Training server as expected. I was working as Approach Controller vectoring aircrafts for landing. I cleared several aircrafts in for final in sequence then I noticed those aircrafts changed frequency to Center and executed 360 for some reason, disrupting the whole trafic flow. This is a very clear interference from Center Controller. Please see which frequency the aircraft is currently tuned into before sending On Guard to them. Also don’t forget to hand off aircraft departing from airport to Departure Controller too.


I had seen the same thing in training server where both frequencies try to contact me on their respective frequency

Unfortunately, it is the training server which has zero consequences of not following ATC instructions as you cannot issue violations. While there is bound to be trolls who take a frequency, it may not always be Center’s doing as it may be the pilots. Not to mention most radar controllers on TS aren’t trained like we are in IFATC.

You also don’t have the facility for communication and coordination between you and the center controller like we do in IFATC, hence you can’t really collaborate unless you reach out to each other in some way.

My advice would be to join IFATC, work your way up to become a radar controller and control on Expert Server. I understand it may be frustrating, but honestly there’s not much you can do on TS


i kinda get this on TS except it’s literally every a/c switching frequency by themselves before getting the instruction. like i havent even given you approach clearance and youre already on tower 10 miles from the airport. please.