Can anybody help??!

Can anybody explain me why is the option B is wrong and the meaning of “followed by number two” in IFATC written test prep??😢

Hello, @Sora.rain

The key sentence here is “after being cleared for a visual approach by the approach frequency”

The first part of the question: If an aircraft is already cleared by the approach frequency, ILS, GPS, and Visual no longer needs a pattern entry unless they are Radar Vectors or Flight Following. Now that we know that Indonesian 99 doesn’t need a pattern entry because they were cleared by approach, we are left with sequence and clearance

The second part of the question: At the end, it mentions that another aircraft is ahead of them 3nm from the runway, so they need to be sequenced behind them as number 2.

And just like that, the answer would be C and not B. More information about Tower working with radar can be found here: 3.6 Tower Working with Radar | Infinite Flight


I think @Sora.rain is also unclear as to what “followed by number two” means. I also had to read the answer (c.) twice to understand.

First, you would message “number 2, traffic to follow is on final”… then follow that with another message “number two, cleared to land”

Plz correct me if I’m wrong @Walter

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If we talk about clearences, this is technically correct if the first aircraft didn’t cross the runway threeshold. If the first aircraft crosses the threeshold, then the second aircraft - if not cleared yet - should be cleared as number 1, since it then becomes the first in the line.

Same thing goes to the sequencing.


Let’s think of it as a receipe. If you only have a regular inbound, you will have to issue a pattern entry, sequence, then a clearance (as said in option b).

However, visual approach only requires a sequence then a clearance, pattern entry is not needed since radar worked out that part for you. Moving on, ILS/GPS skips over the sequence completely and moves into the clearance.

Reference: Section 3.6 of the ATC Manual

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Thank you for replying!
I got about the question.
And can I ask why option C said number two twice?

Then, do we have to say number two twice??


One number 2 is for sequence and the other number 2 is for clearance

I got it !!!
Thank you so much!!🥰

If the A320 has not yet crossed the runway threshold, then yes, you will still say number 2, cleared to land to Indonesia 99 (say number 2 twice because Indonesia 99 is still in fact, number 2 at the time you clear them for landing

If the A320 has crossed said threshold you will say number 1, cleared to land.

As IFATCs mentioned in the posts above, its sequence then clearance in this case


Thank you!!